Beiträge von steel2400

    Hi David,

    I have found the problem it seams that you need to chance the startscript.
    So i maid a revision of your first draft is it possible that you verify my data ?.
    This is also tested on my rig and works fine.

    great looking forum guys :thumbup::thumbup:

    i hoop you don't mind me doing this

    greatz steel2400

    That is very strange i have to look in to it on the server end.
    like the say its not suppose to happen at all but this is the last entry of that Thread

    i will look in to it and get back to this if i work it out (got to test it in the coming day,s)

    thanks fore the speedy replay david

    greatz steel2400

    Yes that is what i mean,
    Some times its on and on reboot of the server its on its just not very productive if i have to
    change the port forwarding on my router when that happens.

    is it possible to pare the nic's so that i have 1 static ip address ?

    thanks fore the help.

    greatz steel2400

    hoi allemaal,

    Ik heb de server gebouwd :)
    Het volgende heb ik gebruikt voor de hardware.
    .mini tower
    .asus moederbord m2nx-plus
    .amd Athlon 64x2 dual core
    .200 gig harde schijf (die ik nog had liggen)
    .4 keer 2tb seagate in raid 5

    Ik heb de installatie gedaan zoals ik had beschreven in de vorige post met een klein verschil, eerst heb ik 0.3 geinstaleerd en ben daarna over gegaan naar 0.5 .
    Verder ben ik ook over gegaan van deluge naar transmission die wat makkelijker is in gebruik (die kan je gebruiken direct vanaf de openmediavault interface)
    Het systeem draait nu al een week non-stop zonder problemen.
    wat ik nu extra heb geinstaleerd zijn:
    .teamspeak 3
    .omv-extra repository
    .mjhmiller repository

    hey guys,

    just got teamspeak on my server running i did the install like davidh2k said and it works great :)
    just like tekkbebe said the init.d script fore start up is not correct this is what i maid of it.

    it is a minor change but it works great :D

    Zitat von "Komerad"

    Hier worden knopjes voor voorzien in de layout als je volgend script gebruikt :

    Ooo super dat is wel makkelijk maar voor multiple vensters vind ik de poort nummers beter maar dat is persoonlijk.
    Deze post had ik gemaakt voor het gemakkelijk installeren van 0.5 OMV wat in mijn ogen het beste werkt.


    When I get some time I'll make pre-configured vms for .5 OMV. Just have not had the time.

    I think that the way its done is fine but it can be an learning curve to do it your self it did fore me tho.
    And this is just the best way to install it on to a machine if you ask me.
    I dont think it is necessary to automate it people still need to learn how to use OMV.


    Zitat von "davidh2k"

    That would be irrelevant to OMV in particular, because OMV writes all mount points to the fstab, but I need to see when i got time for it, I will say something about the fstab. Prior at the moment has the guide for dummies (english version).


    Wel you mite be right, But to use fstab and permanently mount a disk wil be A lot faster to get in to the disk to see the file structure and apply it on the back end off the server.
    Fore use of couchpotato,deluge and headphone to apply read and right permissions is it not :?:

    This is just an idea i had hope it helps.

    P.s.thanks fore considering it tho

    Gr. steel2400


    the output of ls -al /etc/apache2/sites-available/ is:

    drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 okt 24 15:19 .
    drwxr-xr-x 8 root root 4096 sep 25 12:03 ..
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 692 mrt 3 2013 default
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 7251 mrt 3 2013 default-ssl
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 108 okt 24 15:41 openmediavault-webgui

    mite this be a problem off chmod ?!

    Gr. steel2400

    Hi Guys,

    I wanted to get a site online via the plugin website but i encounter'd a problem:

    I have try'd to make the requested .inc file but with no luck i am doing some thing wrong but don't know what

    Gr. steel2400