Beiträge von Thormir84

    This is my compose, that works fine:

    On your router you need to open ports like this example:


    Public port: 80

    Forward to: 8980

    Public port: 443

    Forward to: 8943


    Inside NPM:

    Proxy Hosts

    Add Proxy Host

    Domain name:

    Scheme: http

    Forward Hostname / IP: Ip of your container

    Forward Port: Port of your container

    Block Common Exploits: ON

    Access List: Publicy Accessible



    Select "Request a new SSL certificate

    Force SSL: ON

    Click on save, then select "edit" on your new subdomain and check if SSL is "ON"; if not, activate it then save.



    This solution worked to have communication between host and macvlan, but it doesn't work when connected over the wireguard VPN. The wireguard interface "wgnet1" has a different subnet Ex. I wonder if any routes need to be set for the traffic to reach from the wireguard VPN network to the macvlan IP.

    Probably you need to try Wireguard on Docker.

    I also use Tailscale (on Docker) that works fine.

    This procedure is the one described at the end of this section.

    Read the warning about using netplan in OMV. I'm actually not sure if this can create any problem or not. Does it work for you without problems?

    I think it would be more appropriate to do this using netplan, but I haven't figured out how to do it yet.

    I don't have problems with this script and is only used with VPN; the MACVLAN isn't "exposed" with NPM.

    I have edited my first post, because "ip addr add" isn't but 192.168.1.X/24 were "X" is a free IP inside the network.

    Oh is possible!

    Read here:


    Your network is
    Your OMV's network adapter is "eno1"

    Pihole via MACVLAN is

    You need to create a script like "" or other (the name isn't important) like this:

    #! /bin/bash

    ip link add macvlan_dummy link eno1 type macvlan mode bridge

    ip addr add dev macvlan_dummy

    ip link set macvlan_dummy up

    ip route add dev macvlan_dummy

    Save the file inside the /root/

    Launch: crontab -e

    Add this line and save: @reboot /root/

    Launch: chmod +x



    If you want to try this script before, simply copy&paste in the prompt this, without #! /bin/bash:

    ip link add macvlan_dummy link eno1 type macvlan mode bridge

    ip addr add dev macvlan_dummy

    ip link set macvlan_dummy up

    ip route add dev macvlan_dummy

    If you do that you will have some conflict with your router, since that range overlaps with that of the router. The correct thing to do is to restrict the range of the vlan and the router so that they do not coincide, as explained here.…_the_same_lan_as_the_host

    But my router isn't the DHCP's server (i use Pi-hole for that 8) ) and all IP manually assigned at all containers in MACVLAN are far from the range of the DHCP.

    For example, my subnet is
    Pi-hole IP = (MACVLAN)
    Router IP =
    DHCP range = to
    IP reservation (devices with DHCP on but with a specific IP assigned, associated at its own MAC ADDRESS, outside the DHCP range) = to
    Devices with static IP = Router (, OMV (

    Why is yours? ip-range is the IP you want for pihole from what ive read.

    Ill check it out thanks

    The MACVLAN's adapter can be used for different containers at same time, so "ip-range" should be, for example, "" or whatever is your LAN; then, you need to specify the ip for the container directly inside the compose.

    Just take a look at line number 7 in the code for the creation of MACVLAN's adapter: "macvlan_home" is only the name of the adapter.

    Now, in the compose, see lines 18, 28, 29, 30, 33, 34, 35

    NOTE: Why your "--subnet" and "--ip-range" are different?

    I had created a MACVLAN's interface using the terminal (putty, for example)

    Simply log in as root e copy & paste this:


    1. You need to modify "subnet=", "gateway=" and "ip-range=" to match you LAN.

    2. Inside the OMV's web interface, under "Network" -> "Interfaces" you can see the name of the device that is necessary for "parent="

    docker network create -d macvlan \
        --subnet= \ #In most cases are the same
        --gateway= \
        --ip-range= \ #In most cases are the same
        -o parent=eno1 \
        -o macvlan_mode=bridge \
    macvlan_home #This is the name of the MACVLAN's adapter

    Then, this is an example of a stack with the MACVLAN above:

    Mmmmm i think that is a little bit incorrect.

    Try with the terminal with this command:

    docker network create -d macvlan \
        --subnet= \
        --gateway= \
        --ip-range= \
        -o parent=enx5c857e38f42a \
        -o macvlan_mode=bridge \

    Simply copy-paste all the code inside the terminal.

    Can you post your compose for Plex?

    I had used this procedure:

    Log in OMV web gui.

    Got to "Storage" -> "Software RAID".

    Select your RAID with a simple single left-click on it.

    Click on the button called "Remove", then select the disk you want to replace, then save.

    Shutdown the NAS.

    Replace the disk.

    Power on the machine.

    Log in OMV web gui.

    Go to "STORAGE" -> "Disks".

    Select the new disk with a single left-click.

    Click on the button called "Wipe".

    Go to "STORAGE" -> "Software RAID".

    Select your RAID (now in degraded state).

    Left-click con the "Recover" button.

    Select the new disk then save.

    Wait for the reconstruction.

    Buongiorno, perdonatemi se continuò a rompere le scatole ma vorrei configurare il nas nel modo corretto … dopo i codici del DNS mi chiede di impostare il numero di domini utilizzati durante la risoluzione dei nomi host mtu … che numero dovrei metterci? Grazie ancora…. Ps l’errore postato sopra a cosa potrebbe essere dovuto? Grazie

    La voce "MTU" io l'ho lasciata come default, cioè "0".