Beiträge von Thormir84

    My compose:

    Bridge network instead of host to avoid ports conflict.

    you use tautuli with jellyfin? How have you managed to make them work together?

    Nah, Tautilli works with Plex; i use bot Jellyfin and Plex, because the first one is more "flexible" when i'm not at home.

    I prefer Plex, but with a dynamic public IP i can't reach the server even with a reverse proxy (with the app, but work fine with the web ui).

    What kind of image is "" ?

    What is "/Server" path?

    I use this compose that works without any issue:

    Premesso che, nel mio caso, il modello di multifunzione è diverso (è una ImageRUNNER ADVANCE DX C3725 installata presso un cliente), le impostazioni sono più o meno come le tue (con le dovute variazioni).

    Controlla, nelle impostazioni di rete della macchina, se c'è un pannello tipo quello che puoi vedere in uno degli screen qui sotto, relativo alle impostazioni SMB; magari il percorso è uguale.

    da un errore di time out, non riesce ad accedere al percorso di rete. con un'altra multifunzione, una sharp mx-m266nv, invece funziona tutto correttamente.

    Puoi postare uno screen di come hai configurato, sulla Canon, il contatto per lo scanner via SMB?

    I think there are some problems with one or more steps during the preparation/configuration.

    In my NAS i had created a user called "docker" with R/W permissions in 2 folders called "AppData" and "Media"

    Inside "AppData" i had stored all the necessary for every container.

    Inside "Media" i have photos, films, etc...

    With the terminal (like Putty), just type:

    id docker

    For the PUID and the PGID necessary for the compose

    Then, i had created the container starting with:

    You can deploy the compose with Portainer, inside the tab called "Stacks", or inside the terminal with docker-compose.

    For example you can save the code (with the correct parameters) above inside Notepad with the name docker-compose.txt, then you need to rename the file in docker-compose.yml.

    Copy the file inside your NAS, in a folder called (in this case) plex.

    From the terminal, go inside the folder and type:

    docker-compose up -d

    Now wait.

    Buongiorno a tutti. ho un problema con le scansioni di una stampante Canon imagerunner 2530i, se le invio su di un server omv versione 3.0.10 il file della scansione viene inoltrato correttamente sulla cartella samba configurata, mentre se invio le scansioni su di una cartella presente su un server omv versione 5.6.20-1 i file non vengono trasferiti dalla stampante al nas. io credo che sia un problema di compatibilità delle versioni samba, avete qualche suggerimento?

    Ma quando i file non vengono inviati al NAS, la macchina mostra un errore o non dice nulla?
    Se c'è un errore, cosa dice?

    Non ho avuto modo di provare multifunzioni Canon con OMV, ma in ufficio ho messo su un piccolo NAS con OMV 5.6.20-1, e anche macchine molto più vecchie inviano le scansioni senza problemi via SMB.

    We need to see the compose; i dont know what these errors means, but i think there's an error inside the configuration.

    For example, this is my compose:

    In Host mode there's no problems but, if you want to use the container in Bridge, you need to do 2 things:

    First, in the compose, add this:

    - ADVERTISE_IP=http://SERVER_IP:32400
    Example: - ADVERTISE_IP=

    Second, in the Plex's web interface, go here:

    Network -> LAN networks, then type (if your server's IP is, for example,

    Every member of the family can have a personal account with user, pass and email (for notifications).

    The admin can set the maximun space avaiable for every account (unlimited, 1GB, 5GB, etc..).

    Every account can share one or more files/folders with other account or, with a link, with every other user.

    If you ever used OneDrive, Google Drive or similar services, Nextcloud is the same thing.

    So the existing folders cannot be added? Of course there is possibility to move any data from the existing folders on the hard drive to the folder(s) connected to the nextcloud accounts (from eg. Windows Explorer via SMB connection)?

    Yes, like OneDrive, Google Drive, Dropbox, etc....

    But, make attention:

    If you have, for example, a .ISO file that is 4GB large, and make a copy inside a folder of a nextcloud's account, on the NAS now you have 2x 4GB files because the data of any user on Nextcloud are stored separately inside "/var/www/html/data".

    I think that is not possibile to share one or more folders directly inside the container.

    For the other question, you can use any password you want inside "MYSQL_PASSWORD=" and "MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=" variables.

    Make attention that "MYSQL_PASSWORD=" appear two times and the password need to be the same.

    If you need more info, read here: Nextcloud - Official Image | Docker Hub

    You have to change "volumes" variables with your paths.

    In Nginx, simply create a sub-domain that point to "http://NEXTCLOUD_IP:9323" (you can change the port; in my case is 9323).


    Go to Portainer's web page -> Stacks -> Add Stack

    Type a name for the container

    Copy & paste this:

    version: "3"



    image: containrrr/watchtower

    container_name: watchtower

    network_mode: bridge


    - TZ=Europe/Rome



    - WATCHTOWER_SCHEDULE= * * 7 * * *


    - WATCHTOWER_NOTIFICATION_URL=telegram://TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN@telegram/?channels=TELEGRAM_CHAT_ID&notification=yes&preview=false&parseMode=html


    - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock

    restart: always

    NOTE: For the WATCHTOWER_NOTIFICATION_URL, you need to create a bot with Telegram; if you dont want any notifications, simply remove:



    Have you tried this?

    Open terminal (putty or other) then write:

    systemctl status systemd-resolved.service

    On the second line you need to verify that the "systemd-resolved.service" is "enabled":

    Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/systemd-resolved.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)

    If not, type:

    systemctl enable systemd-resolved.service

    Wait a little bit then reboot the whole NAS.

    Probably now all works.

    I'm running everything (except nginx of course) via docker.

    I have a container with Nginx in docker, and it works perfectly

    My config is:

    Then, inside the router (I have a AVM Fritzbox 7590) you have to expose 2 ports: 80 and 443
    In my case the ports are:

    EXTERNAL: 80

    INTERNAL: 8484

    EXTERNAL: 443

    INTERNAL: 8443

    The finale result, in Nginx, is like in the attachment.

    I don't know if is important, but i think you need to put a blank space between "-" and "/srv/dev....etc"

    It will be: - /srv/dev-disk-by-uuid-0b50f898-1fd1-4672-acc9-fd0eb48c6d70/appdata/nextcloud:/config

    Not: -/srv/dev-disk-by-uuid-0b50f898-1fd1-4672-acc9-fd0eb48c6d70/appdata/nextcloud:/config