Beiträge von Cthulhu

    Sorry for the late answer but today was busy work day...

    sudo -u pyload  /usr/share/pyload/

    Gives the following output:

    But when I try to connect to the website I get the following error:


    Same problem like @Wetter
    Ok... sometimes reinstallation is the easiest way.
    I deleted pyLoad with

    apt-get purge openmediavault-pyload

    rebooted and reinstalled it!

    Thank you all for your help!


    Normally it should so but when I am searching for the process with the name pyload I don't get the PID back.

    root@Gerrit-Server:~# ps -C pyload
      PID TTY          TIME CMD

    And every time I use the restart command It says "Stoping pyLoad server:No pyLoad running."

    Thank you and greetings

    Hey guys,

    Like the last time I'm here for your knowledge ;)
    I've got a software RAID 5 with four 2TB harddrives. At the beginning of my homeserver I just had 3 harddrives but last week I added another one and rebuild the raid. Worked without any problems. But after I extended the filesystem It just went up to a capacity of 5,37TB instead of 5,46TB. Could you explain how it is possible to get the missing 90GB or why they are missing?

    Hopefully everything is understandable!

    Greetings Cthulhu

    Dateisystem           Size  Used Avail Use% Eingehängt auf
    /dev/sda1             910G  3,4G  861G   1% /
    tmpfs                 1,9G     0  1,9G   0% /lib/init/rw
    udev                  1,9G  136K  1,9G   1% /dev
    tmpfs                 1,9G  4,0K  1,9G   1% /dev/shm
    tmpfs                 1,9G  4,0K  1,9G   1% /tmp
    /dev/md127            3,6T  2,0T  1,5T  57% /media/f2b66670-4dbb-4c96-8e23-80896

    That's the output. And no it's not installed on an usb-stick, it's working on a 1TB Toshiba HDD. (I was optimistic with the size of a linux os. :| )

    Yes, with all the browsers like Chrome/IE/Firefox and on different Notebooks/Desktops and Smartphones. Like I said, after an OMV-Update via web interface it's possible to see all process until I do a restart.

    I would say all of them.

    Good Evening together,
    I hope it is possible that you could help me. Since omv 0.5 I have got the following problem:

    The processes list is shortend to twenty entries. Even a server restart does not help to correct the error but when I install an update for omv, if one is available, than the process list show all process until I restart the server again.
    Do you have got any idea how I could correct this error?
