Beiträge von johnvick

    OK tried this - big hassle had to take the NAS to bits, remove the NVME, reassemble - and the upgrade failed.

    I'd like to try again without the rebuilding. I have thought of disabling the NVME in the BIOS (ASUS Prime) but I can't find a way to do that.

    Would changing the UUID of the cloned drive be likely to work and this way avoid removng the NVME?

    I am planning on trying this on a cloned drive first but would like to be prepared as much as possible. After cloning I'll have the hassle of removing the system NVME drive from the underside of the motherboard to avoid any UUID conflicts. Aslo I want to avoid too much downtime as family on Covid-19 lockdown are relying on my media server (Jellyfin) to keep them entertained.

    Anyone tried this and how did it go? Any pitfalls?


    Unsure if this relates to me accidentally upgrading php to 7.3 but now Docker GUI gives this error:

    Invalid RPC response. Please check the syslog for more information.


    Error #0:

    OMV\Rpc\Exception: Invalid RPC response. Please check the syslog for more information. in /usr/share/php/openmediavault/rpc/

    Stack trace:

    #0 /usr/share/php/openmediavault/rpc/proxy/ OMV\Rpc\Rpc::call('Docker', 'getContainers', Array, Array, 3)

    #1 /var/www/openmediavault/rpc.php(45): OMV\Rpc\Proxy\Json->handle()

    #2 {main}

    Syslog shows:

    Unsure where to go from here?

    Docker is working as is Portainer but I'd like to fix this if possible.

    Thanks for any help.


    I semi stuffed my system by adding a Debian non-free repo to install graphics drivers and having forgot to remove the repo before apt update/upgrade. Ended up installing stuff I didn't want but all seemed to work - until I removed an unused plugin and the web interface disappeared. Anyway fixed this by installing php7.0-xml as I found in a forum post (not OMV forum, it was down).

    I have however ended up with php v 7.3 installed - I think the default version is 7.0? All working fine now but are there likely to be problems with this and should I try to remove 7.3? Or best leave it be?


    You can create a Clonezilla bootable USB drive, boot from it and image the existing M.2 to temporary storage then swap in the new NVME and write the image to this. This approach may fail if the new M.2 is smaller than the existing one. You'll find tutorials on Clonezilla easily.

    There are other approroaches but worth learning this method for future system backups etc.

    I only have experience with Apache not nginx - and not all web apps work the same way with reverse proxies.

    For Portainer see - - it's fussy about reverse proxies. For example trying to use the CLI for a Docker container from Portainer works from 192.168.xx.x but not from the reverse proxy address.

    For Transmission maybe use the remote GUI instead of the web address? Whcih may give the same result but worth trying.

    It could be that the location that you usually download to has gone offline hence the rootfs filling up. Login to the system with Putty or WinSCP for example and delete or move the movies, or delete throught the Transmission UI. Once you create space reboot and the Web GUI should be available and you can fix the underlying problem.

    I had the same problems and resolved it by using a reverse proxy for emby. The advantage of this is you don't have to worry about port forwarding.

    I link to emby by

    This needs you to run certbot again to create a second letsencrypt certificate for the new domain. I assume you are using nginx as web server? You'll no doubt find an example of how to do this in the emby documentation. I use Apache as my web server, I can post the necessary conf file if interested.

    Having said all this I do this on a Ubuntu 18.04 server device not OMV but the principal is the same i am sure.

    If you use for example it uses the existing certificate but needs a seperate certificate.


    I have a 4x4TB + 1x1TB unionfs/snapraid setup - all SATA drives on ASUS motherboard and Pentium CPU.

    This error appeared:

    Filesystem flags changed Service filesystem_srv_dev-disk-by-label-1TBHD

    Date:Sun, 29 Dec 2019 17:32:39
    Description: filesystem flags changed to 0x1008

    Your faithful employee,


    Things are working as usual and short SMART test on the drive concerned did not show errors.

    Any reason for concern?


    What about using the mergerfs.balance script to even the spread of data across the drives?

    When I started with UFS/Snapraid I noticed uneven spread and this script ran for a few hours and evened disk usage up. Since then the disk use has been pretty even. My setup is MFS. This was on OMV v4.

    Naturally I had backups before I did this.


    I have 4x4TB drives using unionfs and Snapraid. If I want to add storage am I correct in thinking I'd have to buy two bigger drives as the parity drive has to be the biggest?
