Beiträge von scoobynz

    Well, the first thing you will need to do is ensure that transmission is running under its own unique user id (UID). For rtorrent, this user (UID) is specified in the init.d file (etc/init.d/rtorrent). I assume that you will have a similar file for transmission . . . depending on how transmission is installed or how it works it may not like / allow running under a different UID?? btw, you can check the UID of the running processes probably through the OMV interface or by running "ps aux" at cli prompt (as root).

    I then used the information in this link to tunnel the UID only through the interface. . . .…ecific-network-interface/

    You can check your torrent ip using this;


    The problem you will most likely have is that when connected to the VPN, all your traffic may be tunnelled through the VPN - which may not be desirable. I split my traffic by process UID, i.e. only processes running under a specific UID (in my instance the rtorrent UID) are tunnelled through the VPN, all other traffic goes through normal ISP WAN.

    Gave up on this. Switched from routing an IP forwarded from my OMV to my router to routing a specific UID for the process. Am sharing the link as think its a good one;


    I thought I had solved this by installing ifmetric. According to the debian documentation ifmetric assigns priorities to the network interfaces. I therefore edited /etc/network/interfaces to the below but everything still starts with a Metric of 1.

    When I try to set the metric from the command line I get;

    root@OMV:~# ifmetric eth0:1 10
    Interface 'eth0:1' not existent.

    All a bit odd. The debian documentation says it should all work;…tml#_the_ifmetric_package

    Does anyone have any experience with this?

    I am going around in circles with a general linux / debian problem, hopefully someone will be able to point me in the correct direction.

    What I want to do is ensure that all the traffic from an application / process is routed through a vpn client, whilst all other traffic goes through the default ISP WAN. Further, I wish to ensure that if the vpn connection drops the process doesnt ‘leak’ through the ISP WAN route.

    I am sure there are many ways of doing this. So far what I have done is created a virtual interface in my machine, eth0:1 and assigned it an IP. Therefore my machine has eth0, ip = and eth0:1, with the assigned IP

    My router then connects to the VPN and routes only through the VPN provider, whilst goes through the ISP WAN, so far so good.

    The issue I have is that when is created on my OMV system, all sorts of processes utilise this IP, whereas I only want the 1 x specific process to utilise this IP and the rest to go through the default WAN ISP.

    I have done some googling but its all a bit bewildering. I am not sure if I should be trying to achieve this through ip routing or IPtables, or a combination of both?

    At present I have the following;

    root@OMV:~# netstat -rn
    Kernel IP routing table
    Destination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags   MSS Window  irtt Iface         UG        0 0          0 eth0   U         0 0          0 eth0
    root@OMV:~# ip route show
    default via dev eth0 dev eth0  proto kernel  scope link  src

    I can see from the output of netstat –nlp that various processes are using the virtual eth0:1 ip and the output of curl; echo gives the VPN IP address, i.e. through eth0:1 rather than that through the ISP WAN.

    As another way of showing the same problem;

    root@OMV:~# ip addr show
    1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 16436 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN
        link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
        inet scope host lo
        inet6 ::1/128 scope host
           valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
    2: eth0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc mq state UP qlen 1000
        link/ether 38:ea:a7:a9:2e:fa brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
        inet brd scope global eth0:1
        inet brd scope global secondary eth0

    Which shows that eth0 is the secondary address, whereas at a minimum eth0:1 should be.

    If anyone with more knowledge than me can point me in a direction . . . at the moment I am looking too sporadically to find a solution, i.e. I dont know which direction to investigate.

    Many thanks as always,


    I have a (relatively) new install on an HP N54L. I have a SSD system drive and 2 x additional data drives installed. One of the data drives had 3 x partitions, from my previous OMV single disk installation, but I removed 2 x partitions after the new OMV installation (using GParted running from a USB). I then had missing filesystems that I could not delete in the OMV GUI, so as discussed in other forum posts I removed the erroneous partitions from /etc/fstab and /etc/openmediavault/config.xml - together with updating OMV via the GUI.

    In the syslog I still have the following messaging, which pertains to the partitions I deleted from /etc/fstab and /etc/openmediavault/config.xml;

    The syslog then loops with this message . . i.e. grows very big very quickly.

    Some more information is; the output of blkid and fdisk -l are;

    Does anyone have any ideas on what is happening?

    Many thanks,

    Thank-you all for your comments. I have decided to push the button and buy one of these, I will also get a 60GB SSD as they are only £40. I have never used a raid set-up before so I guess I have a bit of learning / reading to do, so brace yourself for another forum post(s?) in the future. At the moment my research list includes BIOS Mod, Backports, VirtualBox/VMWare, RAID/SnapRaid/ZFS . . . should be enough to keep me busy for this weekend! Thanks again for your comments.


    I note that these have £50 off for the month of December (total price = £139), so I too am thinking about updating - I currently have OMV running on a single disk Qnap TS-119Pii and although it does the job its a bit slow to load some interfaces and of course has no redundancy.

    I note the discussion on using a SSD for the system drive. What is the prime reason for this? Speed? Energy Use? or just because it frees an additional bay for an additional drive in the RAID cluster?

    I was thinking that I would go RAID 5 with 3 x 2TB drives (I think this makes sense??). I could then either put the system on an spare drive I have, or should I consider SSD?

    thanks for any advice,


    I am trying to install something from a script. The installation requires that apache is not running. I stop apache (/etc/init.d/apache2 stop) and proceed with working through the install script. The issue is that by the time I get to the end of the script and it tries to do its thing apache has automatically restarted. I just cannot kill it off and keep it down! Is this related to OMV? i.e. is OMV setup to automatically start apache if its down?

    Many thanks,

    Thank-you for your response, it assisted me in getting it to work.

    In my base installed I had only one site enabled, /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/openmediavault-webgui, which is a sym-link of the same file in ..../sites-available. I therefore edited /etc/apache2/sites-available/openmediavault-webgui to look as per your suggestion.

    I note that I had to make a few other changes to get things working and I list them in case it helps someone else in the future.

    The file /etc/apache2/ports.conf was set up to listen on port 8080, but we had just specified that in the revised /etc/apache2/sites-available/openmediavault-webgui.

    Further I could not access http://myserverip/rutorrent as there was the webserver was not being told to listen anywhere on port 80. I therefore had to change /etc/apache2/ports.conf to;

    NameVirtualHost *:80
    Listen 80

    Now everything works.

    As an extension, I added password protection to my rutorrent page by changing the file /etc/apache2/sites-available/openmediavault-webgui to;

    I then;

    cd /var/www/rutorrent
    sudo htpasswd -c /var/www/rutorrent/.htpasswd “scoobynz”

    you will be asked for a password twice.

    Hi svart,

    I am trying to achieve the same. Does this file mean that your apache listens on port 81 and this is the port for your OVM GUI? You then have a virtualhost at port 80 for rutorrent? Do you then enter http://serverIP/rutorrent to get to rutorrent or I assume you just enter http://serverIP and it brings up rutorrent?

    I want to have my OVM on port 8080, where it is set now and I want to get to rutorrent through http://serverIP/rutorrent. . .

    Many thanks,

    Well, I created empty bash files /usr/sbin/a2dissite and /etc/init.d/apache2 and was then able to remove the offending openmediavault-website, i.e. bypass the errors.

    I then reinstalled apache2 and openmediavault (took a loooonnnggg time - man I deleted nearly half my system!!)

    I then rebooted my system for good measure and I can access the OVM GUI again - success!

    I suppose after enforcing such trauma on my system I may have a few other side effects to resolve but at least I have something to work with now.

    Many thanks for your assistance ryecoaaron! much appreciated

    I cannot find any files to replace, the files in the extraction all seem (I think) to be on my installed system.

    I think the issue is that the file /var/lib/dpkg/info/openmediavault-website.postrm requires the presence of both a2dissite and /etc/init.d/apache2 to be able to uninstall openmediavault-website. But a2dissite and /etc/init.d/apache2 are part of apache2 which is no longer on the system and cannot be installed until openmediavault-website is removed. . . . catch22!!

    I dont know what to do, have been googling, looking through the forums but coming up short. . .

    . . . . and when I run the last 2 x commands from your previous post I get;

    Removing openmediavault-website ...
    /var/lib/dpkg/info/openmediavault-website.postrm: 43: a2dissite: not found
    /var/lib/dpkg/info/openmediavault-website.postrm: 43: /etc/init.d/apache2: not found
    dpkg: error processing openmediavault-website (--remove):
     subprocess installed post-removal script returned error exit status 127
    configured to not write apport reports
                                          Errors were encountered while processing:
    E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)

    Still no go unfortunately

    I was thinking along the same lines, but was thinking I needed to find the openmediavault-website deb / dpkg file to reinstall the plugin?

    I ran the commands as per your post but am still having problems;

    I appreciate your help, do you have any other ideas?

    Im afraid that I still get the same errors when issuing the first command in your post. . . . I am feeling like im in a deep hole here, so thanks for your help.

    it is;

    root@qnap:~# dpkg -l | grep openmediavault
    ii  openmediavault-keyring                 0.2                          GnuPG archive keys of the OpenMediaVault archive
    rH  openmediavault-website                 0.5.2                        OpenMediaVault website plugin

    hmmmm, I tried the order you supplied and also with openmediavault first but I still get the same error my previous post.

    Any other ideas, Im scuppered. . . .