Beiträge von fsouyri


    Sorry my english is bad and I think am not clear.

    I am very happy with the TGT plugin (how many time waiting for an iscsi plugin). I do not say I am not happy with it.

    I just ask you if you have a plan to use LIO like Volker say, if not this is not a problem.



    > Wouldn't it be strange for the tgt plugin to use something other than TGT?
    Yes but a LIO plugin to use targetcli ?

    > I wrote this plugin because there was a need for an iscsi plugin.
    Thank You for your good job.

    > If there is a way to configure it with config files
    cat configfile | targetcli

    configfile look like:

    cd /backstores/...
    create lun ...
    cd /iscsi
    create ...


    > Why do you want targetcli/LIO instead of TGT?

    I do not want LIO instead TGT I want ISCSI for OMV > 3 (to replace OMV 3 iscsitarget).

    But from the OMV 5 FAQ:

    Why there is no iscsitarget plugin in openmediavault 4 ?
    The intention is to migrate core underlaying software from iscsitarget to LIO targetcli

    There is more implementation of SCSI target framework for Linux STGT, SCST but I understand that LIO is the "default" (?)

    Best regards.


    > Normally when you want someone else to do work, you should be willing to put in a little work/learning yourself.

    Sorry not sure I understand... ?

    I do not ask you to do work for me, I just give some enhancements of the code to all.

    It take me lot of time to understand a little jinja2... but I do not need/want to learn/work with github I can ?



    Some plugins modification.

    - For a target possibility to set No "Initiator Address" --> all access
    - For a target possibility to add multiple "Initiator Address" IQN or IP.


    <target {{ target.iqn }}>
    backing-store {{ target.backingstore }}
    {%- if target.initiatoraddress | length > 0 %}
    {%- for initiator in target.initiatoraddress.split(' ') %}
    {%- if initiator | is_ip %}
    initiator-address {{ initiator }}
    {%- else %}
    initiator-name {{ initiator }}
    {%- endif %}
    {%- endfor %}
    {%- endif %}
    {%- if target.extraoptions | length > 0 %}
    {{ target.extraoptions }}
    {%- endif %}


    xtype: "textfield",
    name: "initiatoraddress",
    fieldLabel: _("Initiator Address"),
    allowBlank: true

    Tested with OMV 5.2.7-1 with windows 2016 and ESXi 7.6 initiators.

    Best regards.
