Beiträge von 007xico

    Not a good idea :)

    That would suggest that you typed the password in wrong or the password is different to the user admin.
    Anyhow this should help you resolve it

    I must be crap, never succeed at getting anything set up on the pi. Only thing that ever achieved was using it as a media center.

    I follow the instructions suggested above and still nothing.
    On my users there is two pi and Francisco.
    To my understanding I need to ssh to root, so I can follow the tutorial. Problem is when I ssh root@ I get access denied but when I am on web ui I have ssh enabled and root access.
    I tried creating a new user called “user1” and on groups tick ssh, sido,root.
    ssh user1@
    password: xxxxx
    sudo root password: add a new one

    ssh root@
    Password: denied



    Managed to install OMV and have access to folders and so far working.
    Now tried to install OpenVPN following a tutorial on youtube, I get stuck on the beginning, when I tried to log in as root, says access denied.

    ssh is enabled & root access

    So I use the same password for all the accounts
    ssh root@
    password: fail

    ssh admin@
    password: ok

    ssh francisco@
    password: ok

    I try to run the command but because I am not under root gives an error
    nano /etc/openmediavault/config.xml

    Any help would be appreciated.