Beiträge von Mumba

    really this portainer doesnt work:

    Okay i comment all env comand in the yml file

    I upoaded the env file anyway in portainer??? no idea if that works, but i i also dont see an option to uoload the env file there and adjust a path

    I changed the port to 81

    Well the stack i srunning, but tandoor still doesnt work.
    I guess becasude of the missing env file?

    Whats the right path ton the env file when uploading it in portainer?

    And if i use comose, i.e. the yml file, i get the error:
    failed to deploy a stack: Failed to load /data/compose/14/.env: open /data/compose/14/.env: no such file or directory

    the yml file looks like this:

    When i try to deploy the stack, with no env file:

    docker run -d \

    -v "$(pwd)"/staticfiles:/opt/recipes/staticfiles \

    -v "$(pwd)"/mediafiles:/opt/recipes/mediafiles \

    -p 80:8080 \

    -e SECRET_KEY=q5m(xjx&y(g6w#sab=-jslqw)ah5*!y19rzu=4r!8qp&%)-c38 \

    -e DB_ENGINE=django.db.backends.postgresql \

    -e POSTGRES_HOST=db_recipes \

    -e POSTGRES_PORT=5432 \

    -e POSTGRES_USER=djangodb \

    -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=HollyMolly \

    -e POSTGRES_DB=djangodb \

    --name recipes_1 \


    I still get the error with the top lavel domain mapping...

    No idea, i ve tried image, and stack, and compose. With compose it says:

    failed to deploy a stack: Top-level object must be a mappin

    Do i have to do anything else besides installing portainer over the OMV webinterface?

    An when i use the tandoor image, iget the following error:


    • AppArmorProfile docker-default
    • Args [ ]
    • Config { AttachStderr: false, AttachStdin: false, AttachStdout: false, Cmd: null, Domainname: , Entrypoint: /opt/recipes/, Env: version: "3",services:,db_recipes:,restart: always,image: postgres:15-alpine,volumes:,- ./postgresql:/var/lib/postgresql/data,env_file:,- ./.env,web_recipes:,restart: always,image: vabene1111/recipes,env_file:,- ./.env,volumes:,- staticfiles:/opt/recipes/staticfiles,- nginx_config:/opt/recipes/nginx/conf.d,- ./mediafiles:/opt/recipes/mediafiles,depends_on:,- db_recipes,nginx_recipes:,image: nginx:mainline-alpine,restart: always,ports:,- 81:80,env_file:,- ./.env,depends_on:,- web_recipes,volumes:,- nginx_config:/etc/nginx/conf.d:ro,- staticfiles:/static:ro,- ./mediafiles:/media:ro,volumes:,nginx_config:,staticfiles:,PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin,LANG=C.UTF-8,GPG_KEY=A035C8C19219BA821ECEA86B64E628F8D684696D,PYTHON_VERSION=3.10.12,PYTHON_PIP_VERSION=23.0.1,PYTHON_SETUPTOOLS_VERSION=65.5.1,PYTHON_GET_PIP_URL=,PYTHON_GET_PIP_SHA256=96461deced5c2a487ddc65207ec5a9cffeca0d34e7af7ea1afc470ff0d746207,PYTHONUNBUFFERED=1, ExposedPorts: [object Object], Hostname: e66485d35330, Image: vabene1111/recipes:latest, Labels: [object Object], OnBuild: null, OpenStdin: false, StdinOnce: false, Tty: false, User: , Volumes: null, WorkingDir: /opt/recipes }
    • Created 2023-07-24T10:36:23.86735022Z
    • Driver overlay2
    • ExecIDs
    • GraphDriver { Data: [object Object], Name: overlay2 }
    • HostConfig { AutoRemove: false, Binds: , BlkioDeviceReadBps: null, BlkioDeviceReadIOps: null, BlkioDeviceWriteBps: null, BlkioDeviceWriteIOps: null, BlkioWeight: 0, BlkioWeightDevice: null, CapAdd: AUDIT_WRITE,CHOWN,DAC_OVERRIDE,FOWNER,FSETID,KILL,MKNOD,NET_BIND_SERVICE,NET_RAW,SETFCAP,SETGID,SETPCAP,SETUID,SYS_CHROOT, CapDrop: AUDIT_CONTROL,BLOCK_SUSPEND,DAC_READ_SEARCH,IPC_LOCK,IPC_OWNER,LEASE,LINUX_IMMUTABLE,MAC_ADMIN,MAC_OVERRIDE,NET_ADMIN,NET_BROADCAST,SYSLOG,SYS_ADMIN,SYS_BOOT,SYS_MODULE,SYS_NICE,SYS_PACCT,SYS_PTRACE,SYS_RAWIO,SYS_RESOURCE,SYS_TIME,SYS_TTY_CONFIG,WAKE_ALARM, Cgroup: , CgroupParent: , CgroupnsMode: host, ConsoleSize: 0,0, ContainerIDFile: , CpuCount: 0, CpuPercent: 0, CpuPeriod: 0, CpuQuota: 0, CpuRealtimePeriod: 0, CpuRealtimeRuntime: 0, CpuShares: 0, CpusetCpus: , CpusetMems: , DeviceCgroupRules: null, DeviceRequests: , Devices: , Dns: , DnsOptions: null, DnsSearch: null, ExtraHosts: , GroupAdd: null, IOMaximumBandwidth: 0, IOMaximumIOps: 0, Init: false, IpcMode: private, Isolation: , Links: null, LogConfig: [object Object], MaskedPaths: /proc/asound,/proc/acpi,/proc/kcore,/proc/keys,/proc/latency_stats,/proc/timer_list,/proc/timer_stats,/proc/sched_debug,/proc/scsi,/sys/firmware, Memory: 0, MemoryReservation: 0, MemorySwap: 0, MemorySwappiness: null, NanoCpus: 0, NetworkMode: bridge, OomKillDisable: false, OomScoreAdj: 0, PidMode: , PidsLimit: null, PortBindings: [object Object], Privileged: false, PublishAllPorts: false, ReadonlyPaths: /proc/bus,/proc/fs,/proc/irq,/proc/sys,/proc/sysrq-trigger, ReadonlyRootfs: false, RestartPolicy: [object Object], Runtime: runc, SecurityOpt: null, ShmSize: 67108864, UTSMode: , Ulimits: null, UsernsMode: , VolumeDriver: , VolumesFrom: null }
    • HostnamePath /var/lib/docker/containers/e66485d353309b6ee29a16dee5934cd818762874d858d2ade932af5feea9ff80/hostname
    • HostsPath /var/lib/docker/containers/e66485d353309b6ee29a16dee5934cd818762874d858d2ade932af5feea9ff80/hosts
    • Id e66485d353309b6ee29a16dee5934cd818762874d858d2ade932af5feea9ff80
    • Image sha256:a9fd19c96555097452631d3835a8591cd0d5b883b90df57b6a4cb729996f7665
    • LogPath /var/lib/docker/containers/e66485d353309b6ee29a16dee5934cd818762874d858d2ade932af5feea9ff80/e66485d353309b6ee29a16dee5934cd818762874d858d2ade932af5feea9ff80-json.log
    • MountLabel
    • Mounts [ ]
    • Name /tandoor
    • NetworkSettings { Bridge: , EndpointID: , Gateway: , GlobalIPv6Address: , GlobalIPv6PrefixLen: 0, HairpinMode: false, IPAddress: , IPPrefixLen: 0, IPv6Gateway: , LinkLocalIPv6Address: , LinkLocalIPv6PrefixLen: 0, MacAddress: , Networks: [object Object], Ports: [object Object], SandboxID: d246b58f1f1c025754d8e3c1191e0783c689371af24cba4fc6fb56327d1679a7, SandboxKey: /var/run/docker/netns/d246b58f1f1c, SecondaryIPAddresses: null, SecondaryIPv6Addresses: null }
    • Path /opt/recipes/
    • Platform linux
    • Portainer { ResourceControl: [object Object] }
    • ProcessLabel
    • ResolvConfPath /var/lib/docker/containers/e66485d353309b6ee29a16dee5934cd818762874d858d2ade932af5feea9ff80/resolv.conf
    • RestartCount 0
    • State { Dead: false, Error: , ExitCode: 1, FinishedAt: 2023-07-24T10:38:04.236345397Z, OOMKilled: false, Paused: false, Pid: 0, Restarting: false, Running: false, StartedAt: 2023-07-24T10:36:24.144627682Z, Status: exited }


    i am trying to install tandoor on my OMV. So I installed docker and portainer over the webinterface.
    Then i opened portainer, created a new user, created a new stack and copied the tandoor stack in the webeditor.

    When i try to deploy the stack, i get the error:
    failed to deploy a stack: Failed to load /data/compose/4/.env: open /data/compose/4/.env: no such file or directory

    What do i miss here?
    Apparently intructions do skip some steps here ^^ And obviously I am very new to the whole docker story.
    Thanks for your help,


    the option are:

    existing path, most free space

    I changed it (most free space and 200G) and yes, it works now :D Thanks alot

    What does that exisiting path option mean?


    Edit: I googled it: A path preserving policy will only consider drives where the relative path being accessed already exists.

    Does that mean that it didnt work because there was no "Media" (shared) folder on the second disk?


    I have a problem with OMV and the Uniofs.
    I mounted 2 disks (2x8TB) with unionfs (Data/) and shared a folder on it (Data/Media/) via Samba.

    In OMV and another PC the whole space is recognized (16TB). Now i coped data on it via smb and one disk is full completly (less than 4GB).

    When i try to copy more data i get the error that the disk is full and no free space is available. However, one of the disk is completly free, which is also shown in OMV (50% free) and Windows (8 TB).

    What could be the problem here?

    Thanks alot for your help,


    Me again,
    Iguess the first step would be to format them in ntfs.
    So one HDD i manged to label with GPT, but with second one (sdb5) doesnt work. Here is what fdisk gives:

    /dev/sdb1 * 2048 472322047 472320000 225,2G 83 Linux
    /dev/sdb2 472324094 488396799 16072706 7,7G 5 Extended
    /dev/sdb5 472324096 488396799 16072704 7,7G 82 Linux swap / Solaris

    So sdb5 is used by OMV?
    I dont get it...How to get rid of this? I guess I have to reinstall OMV...How can I install it such that it creates the necessary partitions only on sdb1?


    I have tried to find a solution but I guess its so easy, nobody would ask such a question ^^. But I dont work with Linux and dont know how to continue.

    Anway, I dont know hoe to continue.
    I just installed OMV and I have 2 HDD which I would like to mount to one mount point. So in the frontpanel i choose the linear Raid, which seemes to work (both HDD are at /dev/md0)

    Now Id like to mount them for examle at /media/Data with ntfs and share this folder via smb.

    How can i do that? I couldnt find an option at the web interface.
    Standard mount command also do not work (e.g. sudo mount -t ntfs -o rw,users,nls=utf8,umask=007,gid=46 /dev/md0 /media/ntfs)

    Thanks for your help and best regards,