Beiträge von turing

    I'm looking for help sorting out my docker host networks. When I try starting my container that is configured to use the "host" network, i get the following error.

    # docker start plex
    Error response from daemon: network host is ambiguous (2 matches found on name)
    Error: failed to start containers: plex

    So I try listing the networks

    # docker network ls
    NETWORK ID          NAME                DRIVER              SCOPE
    4ebd3f305226        bridge              bridge              local
    269fed1ce050        duplicati-default   bridge              local
    1a5f867046df        host                host                local
    4ed90a9dd4bb        host                host                local
    3ee182783088        none                null                local

    Yep, there are 2 networks with the name of host. Seems like that's a problem.

    So I try to delete both with no effect.

    # docker network rm 1a5f867046df
    Error response from daemon: host is a pre-defined network and cannot be removed
    # docker network rm 4ed90a9dd4bb
    Error: No such network: 4ed90a9dd4bb

    Seems like 1a5f867046df is the actual "host" network and 4ed90a9dd4bb is the network that I need to remove. How would I go about doing that?

    I've tried specifying docker network ls --no-trunc and using the network IDS specified that way. I've tried docker network rm host and it tells me 2 matches found based on name.

    Or can I rename the 4ed90a9dd4bb network so it's name is something other than "host"?

    Are the docker networks stored in a flat file I can modify?

    Any suggestions or troubleshooting steps that will allow me to successfully use the host network would be greatly appreciated.
