Beiträge von duffman4evr

    Thanks for the help tekk, tried what you said (and also looked at it with android), and still the same problems. I even tried reinstalling and being very careful to only change the few settings that should matter.

    Then I installed FreeNAS and got it all up and running in less than an hour. If OMV is ever going to compete, it is going to need more documentation for simple use-cases like mine. The wiki was pretty much empty.

    Again though, thanks for trying; I'm guessing you are a dev/evangelist for OMV - I love competition, so keep it up!

    Here is the result:

    As you can see, I also ran your recommended command. No change in behavior (still same as in imgur album, logging in as 'public' user works, but shows a public share - no idea why).

    If I try to connect to the 'Storage' share directly, It doesn't seem to work:

    I wonder if the user name choice of 'public' is actually a reserved word in some system and is causing issues. Or I wonder if I name the share the same as the user, then things might work.

    Full disclosure here - I'm running the OS itself off of a USB stick. I know its not recommended, but its my most feasible solution for now until I get a small ssd or hdd to replace it. Could that be causing these issues?


    Did you try rebooting your OMV? Then did you try rebooting your router and switches on your network, unplug for 10 seconds and plug back in. I got feeling this is locked up router or switch. Try that first then we try some other things.

    Officially gave this a shot just now and no change in behavior from the original post I made. Seems reasonable - looks like the windows pcs can connect, but they just aren't quite behaving right. When I type in creds for the user 'public', it seems to try to connect to the *share* named public in windows...super wierd.

    For the record, here is what the SMB status looks like after I connect with the public user (PC name is Pink-PC, as you can see :P)


    Is your user you try to login to OMV via ssh in the ssh group?

    Or do you try to login via root? - If yes, you have to check this in the ssh settings and then type in the password you entered via the installation (not the WebUI password!)

    I was trying to log in via root (but putty would give a connection refused error before ever prompting me for user name. I did try to set username in the options of putty to root, no change). And indeed, I enabled ssh via root. I even added root to the ssh group as per your suggestion, no go there. Maybe I should try on a different user eh?


    Did you try rebooting your OMV? Then did you try rebooting your router and switches on your network, unplug for 10 seconds and plug back in. I got feeling this is locked up router or switch. Try that first then we try some other things.

    I'll give everything a quick powercycle here in a bit and let you know.


    You can give me results of this:
    change directory to where your shared folder is located 1 level above it so you can list it.
    cd /media/uuid/
    ls -la public

    Thats just the thing, there is no 'public' folder (see my imgur album). There is a 'Storage' folder though (which seems right - I made a shared folder called 'Storage', but the *user* is named 'public'). The *totally wierd* part about all this is how windows tries to show a share called 'public' when logging in (again, refer to the imgur album to see what I'm talking about).

    Anyway, since I can't ssh to the box, its hard to copy output. I can tell you that the /media/uuid/Storage folder has 777+ permissions on it though, with ownership root:users.


    I've been trying to set up OMV 5 for the past couple of days, but I'm hitting a big snag with Windows 7 comps on the network talking to the NAS box. Things seem to *almost* work, but just not quite. I'm at a loss at this point, so I documented what I've done and put it in an imgur album:

    Also, I've logged in to the box directly and checked the permissions on the 'Storage' folder in /media/<uuid>, it is indeed 777, with root:users.

    The other wierd thing is that SSH doesn't work (client shows connection refused), *even though it is enabled in the GUI, and even after a system restart...what the heck?!?!* So frustrating...

    Any help at all is utterly appreciated, I'm at my wits end here :(