Beiträge von overflow68

    My webdav directory is owned by openmediavault. Try:

    <code class="inlineCode">chown openmediavault:openmediavault /var/www/webdav</code>
    <code class="inlineCode">service nginx restart</code>

    And try cadaver again.

    Done , but with no effect at all

    But, digging inside forum I've found a problem with the file /etc/nginx/fastcgi_params.

    During the one of the last update of omv 1.x something happened at this file , I took the original file from another installation of OMV and now webdav work fine.

    For the other users , this is the working file fastcgi_params:

    Thanks a lot for your time.

    Thanks for the help


    After one of the last update of omv 1.X my webdav installation stop working. Today I've upgrade to omv 2.x but the problem persist.

    I've tried to uninstall/purge/autoremove and reinstall the webdav plugin without success.

    I'm not skilled enough on webserver , for what I see something is up because the server answer with a white screen with a message of: "File not found."

    This is a ps -ef|grep dav

    www-data 2096 2088 0 09:59 ? 00:00:00 php-fpm: pool openmediavault-webdav
    www-data 2097 2088 0 09:59 ? 00:00:00 php-fpm: pool openmediavault-webdav

    This should be the webdav web site directory , I think the problem could be here , but I' not able to identify it ( index.php is missing ? )

    root@openmediavault:/var/www/webdav# ls -l
    totale 12
    -rw-rw-r-- 1 openmediavault openmediavault 774 dic 12 2014 auth.php
    -rw-rw-rw- 1 root root 76 giu 30 09:59 config.php
    -rw-rw-r-- 1 openmediavault openmediavault 794 dic 12 2014 server.php

    Thanks in advance for help!


    I've updated from 0.5.59 to 1.0.21. After some minor problem solved following the instruction on the forum , now I can reach the main page of the web interface, but when I try to login I receive an error "communication failure" and I cannot login.


    Hi ,
    I think I've found a bug , I tried to find a workaround but I think I'm not so skilled.
    The problem is, when I try to add a "Scheduled test" in the smart section , I don't receive any answer and with top I can see a php section in close loop for a while:

    And , on the browser end in this way

    Recently I changed one of the disk due to a failure , and I think somewhere is still some reference to the old disk.

    Sorry for my bad english.



    Same problem here :

    Don't know exactly when it started.

