Beiträge von harryArg

    Clearly today is not my day, I change the password with the su -u admin command without problem, but at that point samba stop working, so I unistall samba from apt, and then reinstall it, now samba doesn't work neither the web GUI.

    the rest of the code

    Sorry I run sudo -u command and works, but now seems I broke SAMBA

    I can see any folder and change any setting without this error.

     Error #0:
    OMV\HttpErrorException: Incorrect username or password. in /var/www/openmediavault/rpc/
    Stack trace:
    #0 [internal function]: OMVRpcServiceSession->login(Array, Array)
    #1 /usr/share/php/openmediavault/rpc/ call_user_func_array(Array, Array)
    #2 /usr/share/php/openmediavault/rpc/ OMV\Rpc\ServiceAbstract->callMethod('login', Array, Array)
    #3 /usr/share/php/openmediavault/rpc/proxy/ OMV\Rpc\Rpc::call('Session', 'login', Array, Array, 3)
    #4 /var/www/openmediavault/rpc.php(45): OMV\Rpc\Proxy\Json->handle()
    #5 {main}

    I don't know if help, but i receive this error, and now the password stop working at all.

    One question, can I change the admin password from cli? With sudo -u admin passwd ?

    Hi, I'm having problem with my web login as admin. OMV doesn't recognize my password, but if I reboot the system, the password works. I can access the terminal with my own user, also I can access the login with my user, but the dashboard is almost empty. I'm not sure how to solve this since I'm sure the password work but not always. I already upgrade my OMV 5 to last version. Also, I already clear my browser cache and tried with other browsers.


    Hi, I'm here with a problem with smartd. I allready retire the disk with problems, but I still recive this erros reports, so I put the disk back and disable smart scan on the this a retire again, but I still recive this error message. I still have the disk, but putting in and out doesn't seeem to fix the problem. Any ideas?

    I just fish my first backup, but I have no idea if its correct or if the correct disk was save. Is the a way to check this? can i open the files and se the content?

    Hi again today I'm with question, the new one it's about share multiple folder in one samba share folder. I have several disk, with multiple files in OMV, and i want to share several folder in several disk in one samba share folder. All the folders are create with OMV share folder menu and they are share acress the network with samba. Now i wan to share in one samba folder for easy navigation, I don't want to change any filesystem or something that big.

    My first option was the symlink pluginn so I use it, But i can't accerse the symlink through Samba, It says i have no permission. So I'm stuck. Any clue or other options?

    thanks, one more question, can i clone the disk while it's in use?

    Another question about the pluginn. The share folder option is where the backup file will be save?

    Should i set the root device o extra options?

    finally is the any help document about this pluginn?

    Hi I'm new with the comunity but I really love OMV, It allow me to do lots of things in a easy way. So now I'm trying to put a system into operation that allow me to backup as much as i can a restore the fastest way.

    First I have OMV running in a 128 ssd in a server that I assamble with core i3 8gb of ram and several disk besides the omv one. Also i have a second 128 ssd connect through usb for cloning OMV main disk.

    Now what I'm trying to do is to make a backprocess that run alone, first a complete clone of the OMV disk, for fast restore. Secundo I need to backup to a certainr disk several folder (mainly docker config files) to one particular disk.

    So what do you recomend for this task? is there a uniq way for everything?

    Just one thing I would prefere that all backuyp is made online.