Beiträge von Grizz5678

    I have OMV 5 not omv6. I have the plugin in question, Will it work? Just to give you an update, I physically removed the old disks. They are listed as missing now, which I am not worried about (I was not able to unreference them or unmount them before removing them. Next I added the two new drives and folllowed these steps:

    • Wipe the drives, which should be visible in disks
    • Create a mirror raid (raid 1) or pick raid 5 if it’s 3 or more for a better disk/capacity ratio. For me this was an overnight job.
    • Create a file system by picking the raid (after you click “Create”) under “file systems”
    • Share the new volume drive by picking SMB/CIFS for windows or mac sharing.
    • Mount new volume by using the Mount/Play button.

    There was an error in the last step, with an explanation related to referencing. I shut down the machine and removed the two unmounted but still referenced drives. I was able to mount and reference the new drives and they work fine. So the only loose end now is that I have two drives listed as missing and which are still referenced. I hope it will not have an impact on my server in the future. For now everything is back up and works fine which lots of new storage to spare (about 5.5 Teras)

    I have read similar posts from several years ago. My problem is similar. No matter what I do I can't unmount two drives which occupy the only 2 sata ports on my debian OMV setup. OMV 5 has been setup now and working for several years now for storage of my pics and videos and as a plex media server courtesy of docker and portainer. Here is what I have managed to do in order. This is basically the reverse order of how I installed the mirror raid (raid 1 array) in the first place:

    1.Disable SMB sharing of the software drive letter from the OMV GUI. Services-SMB/CIFS and delete the specific share (I didn't touch the other shares as they should not affect the removal of this raid array)

    2. Next I went into disks and found the 2 disks which make up the raid 1 array and wiped them (there was no data on them, but I wiped them anyway.

    3. Next, I went into access rights management/ users and made sure the toggle was off for home directories which apparently was the smoking gun as to why the unmount button was greyed out.

    4.Next I went into raid management. The logic of this for me was that it must be necessary to separate the array in order to unmount the drives. Since the two drives are just empty drives which I want to remove, this made sense to me. So I clicked on the raid and tried to break up the raid. I could only pick one physical drive and deleted it from the raid. It sort of worked but the disks cannot be unmounted still. The unmount button is still greyed out.

    From reading other posts, it seems clear to me what has to be done, but not how to do it because I don't know what category to go into or what is preventing me from changing "referenced" and "mounted" for the raid array under file systems.

    I can share pics if that would be helpful, just not sure what to take a picture of.

    Thanks for any insight you may have or a different approach (like just disconnecting the drives after turning off the machine and trying to creat the new raid by physically disconnecting the old ones.