Beiträge von sailor74

    I am really not an expert at my raspi... OMV started to work and it was getting fun... then I added users and played around with add a group etc.

    afterwards I deleted users again...

    few day later I booted my raspi and it was aksing my codeword for user pi, which is still the standard and I did not change it... But I can not login anymore...

    How can this happen?

    Do I have to reinstall my complete system or is there a more clever alternative possible?

    thanks a lot for your feedback...

    I am just setting up a NAS for the first time with my Raspi3.

    Now I wanted to mount a hard disk.

    I have so far understood that I must first delete my drive under data storage.

    Then I have to create a drive under file systems with the hard drive.

    But unfortunately I can not delete my drive...

    The process is started, but I always get the following message s. Screenshot