Beiträge von chefp

    Thanks bvrulez for the handy restore tutorial.

    The drive in my OMV server died and I replaced it with a different make & capacity drive. The dd grub restore recreated the old drive's partition tables (didn't expand to the larger drive's size) which was ok with me. However when booting it returned "Invalid partition". I tried the steps 3-4 times with variations in the destination device naming. This is what I believe to be correct after re-reading numerous materials --

    dd if=backup.grubparts of=/dev/sda

    followed by

    fsarchiver restfs backup.fsa id=0,dest=/dev/sda1.

    But it still wouldn't boot. I also tried grub-install to manually reinstall grub. It was never able to boot.

    Eventually I re-installed OMV from scratch, then booted from the USB SystemRescueCD and used fsarchiver to restore the system files. That initially seemed like the longer route, but it ended up being much easier and ultimately the only path that worked for migrating to a new drive. The dd grub restore isn't able to handle new drives.

    I'm running openmediavault-plexmediaserver 3.8.2 and PMS is pegging at 100% CPU. Tried all the standard Plex troubleshooting steps such as disabling automatic scan, music library volume detection, etc... Very frustrating, and couldn't find anything pertinent in OMV forums. I did find this recent bug involving SSDP and UPnP:

    Hoping they fix it soon and that the OMV Plex plugin gets an update shortly after :)

    Also getting the Failed to execute command 'omv-mkconf subsonic getsettings' error. Updated to the Subsonic plugin 1.07 didn't help. Uninstalled, reinstalled, same error. Subsonic works if I start the service manually, but the plugin UI doesn't work.

    • OMV 1.19 (Kralizec)
    • Kernel Linux 3.2.0-4-amd64

    I noticed that the scripts touch /5.2.1, a zero-byte file which is the version of Subsonic itself. That doesn't seem right.

    Other plugins work ok.

    I ended up re-installing OMV, then rsync'ing the backup files over it to restore my setup. The OMV installation failed at the end during the grub step. Had to use a combination of steps from these pages:…ls-to-install-bootloader/

    For anyone else that ends up in this situation, the steps I used were:

    That was done in another shell (Alt-F2) at the end of the OMV installation process, before rebooting. My OMV boot partition is /dev/sdb1. Substitute in your boot drive in the appropriate places.

    I installed SystemRescueCD on a USB, booted and rsync'd the backup files to the OMV boot drive. Upon reboot, grub complained that it couldn't find normal.mod. After some googling, I re-installed grub. Rebooting dumped me to the grub prompt. No errors, but it didn't have any settings to boot up. I entered these commands:
    kernel /vmlinuz
    initrd /initrd.img

    It starts the boot spew but hangs after detecting the drives. What's a good way to reinstall grub with the necessary settings to boot OMV?

    OMG................. Sorry to see this chefp.

    sh!t happens X/ live & learn :whistling:

    This all started from the OMV upgrade code erroring out because one of the update sources (plex) went down. My system got out of date and the dependency version requirements no longer lined up. The updater really should allow other updates to occur even when a server is down.

    There is no downgrade from jessie to wheezy unless you run a snapshot rootfs sort of backup system. Check if you upgraded with
    cat /etc/debian_version

    Fortunately I do have a snapshot backup (one of the plugins, I don't recall the exact name). Is it simply a matter of copying over everything from the backup location to the OMV installed drive? Would doing that on a live filesystem be problematic?

    Hi aaron. I believe I followed one of your helpful posts on how to fix the sources.list using the online generator tool. Here's what mine has:

    deb stable main contrib non-free
    deb wheezy-updates main contrib non-free
    deb wheezy/updates main contrib non-free

    Should I change stable to wheezy? How do you recommend getting back to a working OMV install?

    Edit: Made the change to wheezy but neither apt-get dist-upgrade nor apt-get -f install installs anything.

    I followed the instructions at….php?title=Updates_to_OMV to update from the command line. It recommended to autoremove unused packages, which dug it deeper in a hole -- no webserver, smb or anything, though the system is able to boot. I tried installing openmediavault with apt-get but it has "unmet dependencies".

    My OMV install hadn't updated for months due to the plex server changing, preventing all the other updates from working. I got around to removing the plex entry from the update list and proceeded to update packages. They failed left & right because of unmet dependencies (the first was gcc-4.9, but there were lots others). I manually went through and updated to the most recent of each one. Also involved command line apt to finish the installs as the web gui struggled with the conflicts. The system is running after a reboot and the services are all up, but the web files under /var/www/openmediavault/ are missing, resulting in "403 Forbidden nginx". There should be an index.php, but there's only a js directory. How can I fetch the web files that should be there? Or is there another step I should take to restore the web gui?

    I would need a little advice.

    After installing the plugin, i started to receive the following messages:
    Failed to fetch file:/var/cache/openmediavault/archives/Packages File not found

    /var/cache is set to keep_folder_structure which does not retain the contents of the directory. At first I ignored the error. I realized that no updates were being pulled because the updater expects the Packages file to be present, even if empty. Execute this command to create it:

    touch /var/cache/openmediavault/archives/Packages

    This needs to be done on every boot. I created an init.d script to do that, but in hindsight it would've been simpler to add it to rc.local.
    ryecoaaron - what do you think about adding that? An alternative would be to change that directory in fs2ram.conf to keep_file_structure. However since it's a cache folder there could be a lot of cruft in there.

    That was my next change :) Just wanted to make sure it was working right first.
    ** edit - version 1.3 in repo with notes/instructions

    Looks great! Great minds think alike? :)

    I've followed the instructions installing the plugin/enabling and editing fstab.

    I think everything is working (is there anyway to check?).
    Now when I look for the bootlog with sed 's/\^\[/\E/g' /var/log/boot |more
    I get an empty boot log, is this expected behavior, is the log somewhere else?

    The default /etc/fs2ram/fs2ram.conf file does not persist /var/log. You can save it by changing that entry from "keep_file_structure" to "keep_file_content". However keep in mind that the contents of /var/log can accumulate a lot of data.

    The reason that /var/log/boot is empty is because fs2ram doesn't start until later in the boot process. If that file isn't accessible early during boot, it can't save the boot log there. As an alternative, you can use dmesg to retrieve the boot log.

    @WastlJ I use a CUBOX-I4 with only 1 Sata port. Why would you want more?

    640k should be enough for anyone... ;)

    My motherboard has 4 SATA ports and I plan to fill it up with HDs eventually. I don't want to waste a SATA port on a 1.5GB OS install. Sure I could buy another SATA card, which leads me to...

    That leaves me with 2 Roku's. :) 2 more items for the "I'll keep it, just in case" closet.

    At some point that closet is going to be filled up with years-old of just-in-case junk. I'm tired of acquiring extra stuff, throwing hardware at what are really software (or software services) problems.

    If you post the commands/process you went through, I could tell you if it would work in plugin form.

    I followed the steps in the OP. All credit goes to bobbafetthotmail. Commands should be run as root; sudo as necessary.

    To reduce the chance of people running out of RAM, it would be a good idea to require a minimum of 1GB.

    Edit /etc/fstab to add noatime & remove realtime, and disable swap (should this be a user option?). Could use sed '/realtime,errors=remount-ro/noatime,errors=remount-ro/' or whichever is your preferred string manipulator. I don't recall for sure if the default is "realtime,errors=remount-ro" or just "errors=remount-ro".
    Also add an entry to use tmpfs for /tmp.

    # <file system> <mount point>   <type>  <options>       <dump>  <pass>
    UUID=<MyUUID> /               ext4    noatime,errors=remount-ro 0       1
    #UUID=<MySwapUUID> none            swap    sw              0       0
    tmpfs           /tmp            tmpfs   defaults,noatime        0       0

    Install fs2ram. The download page with list of mirrors linked at . I used the US mirror.

    dpkg -i fs2ram*

    Edit /etc/fs2ram/fs2ram.conf . The entries were derived from bobbafett's script that detects the recently changed files on the fs. This is a precomputed list so could be altered if necessary, but it should be accurate for standard OMV installs. On my install I have an entry for the transmission dir, but not everyone uses that so I omitted it here.

    #<file system>  <mount point>   <script>                <script option> <type>  <options>
    tmpfs            /var/cache      keep_folder_structure   -               tmpfs
    tmpfs            /var/log        keep_file_structure     -               tmpfs
    tmpfs            /var/tmp        -                       -               tmpfs
    tmpfs            /var/lib/openmediavault/rrd  keep_file_content       -  tmpfs
    tmpfs            /var/spool                   keep_file_content       -  tmpfs
    tmpfs            /var/lib/rrdcached/          keep_file_content       -  tmpfs
    tmpfs            /var/lib/monit               keep_file_content       -  tmpfs
    tmpfs            /var/lib/php5                keep_folder_structure   -  tmpfs

    Since /var/cache holds the apt-get cache, it can grow quite big. Add a daily cron job:

    apt-get autoclean


    ln –sf /proc/mounts /etc/mtab

    Changes take effect on next boot. Pretty straight-forward, mostly config file manipulation.

    ryecoaaron -- I honestly appreciate your contributions. OMV wouldn't be what it is today without you.

    I've seen 16GB DOMs die in 6 months on a server that does constant collectd writes. There are other things going on including small database writes so the utilization may be a little different. Nevertheless, since DOMs are supported, their write endurance is a real concern.

    I've been running with fs2ram for about a week. It was surprisingly simple to set up which hopefully would translate to being easy to integrate.

    So much anger....

    I don't even care about these complaints anymore. And inaccurate ones at that. Maybe some kids should stop gaming/complaining so much and get a job. SSDs are cheap and they work great.

    Come on man, what's with the insults? Didn't we talk about this already? Your obsession with being "right" isn't particularly endearing. There are many ways to look at a problem, open your mind ;)

    There's a fable about a pot and a kettle that you might want to digest.