Beiträge von MIkey6283

    Hi sorry if i my comments are not clear.

    I tried to install Hassio in a shared folder on my ssd dive what i thought was docker container and did not install correctly. So incorrectly deleted the shared folders thinking it was deleted. Now i see my syslog states that it trying connect. whilst investigating how to get into the OMV files directory, i noticed in systmlink the directory and it showed the home folder where i installed Hassio.. I was able to delete the files thru ssh however toady they are still working in the back ground as you can see below. It looks as though i will need to reinstall and start again this might clear all the bugs i may have caused what do you think???

    when installing containers do you install them onto your ssd or do you used the volume 1 directory ?

    Apologise for these questions

    <img src="" class="woltlabAttachment" data-attachment-id="19694" id="wcfImgAttachment0">

    I am using portainer/ docker provided by OMV. I read that the problem is due to disconnection of the OMV . I have been having problems with my Airport capsule recently as it keeps on losing connect.( another problem I need to sort out)

    I have over the last few days tried to install Home Assistant and it seems that i had not removed it correctly and i noticed in my syslog that it has been trying to connect but i removed it from shared folder but it is still in the directory as you can see . Can you advise how i can remove it i have tried to remove the directory no luck as i cannot find it in the Pi directory . I found by accident looking into symlinks.

    <img src="" class="woltlabAttachment" data-attachment-id="19692" id="wcfImgAttachment0"><img src="" class="woltlabAttachment" data-attachment-id="19692" id="wcfImgAttachment0">

    Hi I have the following error after installing portainer i can pull images and install but they too seem to have errors can this be the cause and how can fix it. trawled the net with any conclusive fix.


    Thanks for your reply & examples it is the examples that help newbies like me. i have already setup my ssd drive with Media. config , appdata & general, for the time being until i learn more . I tried symlinks but go my self into trouble. i will look into this again, i thought that this addon was about to cease according to what i read about It.

    I was going to set up a docker folder in appdata , is this correct way to go so that i can install docker containers as and when ?

    Thanks again.


    I have been watch installation videos and i noticed that it is possible to insert the shared folder when binding folders when installing applications. Is this only available in OMV4 as i am unable to find this directory as per the screenshot. At the moment i use the Relative Path. where can i locate this directory with out have to use the Relative Path all the time?

    I believe that i have installed mqtt into docker however these is an error Address not Available. I completed the authentication steps but i unable to test if it actually working.

    Any ideas please


    I have installed Hassio in OMV5 i believe following installation details on OMV as you can see it states that it installed however i cannot make connection on Ip 192.168 xxxx: 8123. Any advise or help would be appreciated. Please see details below ;

    Hi VI

    I have followed your instruction as a newbie and hope followed it correctly however i have an error on point 5 would it be possible to advise where i have gone wrong. It is a new install on a new RPI4. your help would be appreciated .

    Sorry if it is not making sense. Ok I want to be able ssh into OMV to hope fully make changes, I can ssh to RPI no problem but i cannot ssh to OMV , i see that others have had the same problem but i cannot find a solution.

    I have set a user as administrator as you have seen but when i ssh using my terminal on imac i always have the following message and i do not know if i am OMV or not.

    administrator@192.168.0 xx's password:

    Linux raspberrypi 5.10.17-v7l+ #1403 SMP Mon Feb 22 11:33:35 GMT 2021 armv7l

    The programs included with the Debian GNU/Linux system are free software;

    the exact distribution terms for each program are described in the

    individual files in /usr/share/doc/*/copyright.

    Debian GNU/Linux comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent

    permitted by applicable law.

    Could not chdir to home directory : No such file or directory


    If i (ls) i get

    bin dev export lib media opt root sbin sys usr

    boot etc home lost+found mnt proc run srv tmp var


    I do not know if i am in Pi or OMV, this is my problem.

    I want to create a home folder in home directory to install Home Assistant and remove folder/file in my OMV file system which is stating missing . I can creates a home folder in the OMV shared option ?

    Hi macom

    mike was a user with these privileges . ssh , adm users sudo root sambashare as per attached screenshot . I delete mike and setup administrator as you will see my attempts with administrator below:

    The programs included with the Debian GNU/Linux system are free software;

    the exact distribution terms for each program are described in the

    individual files in /usr/share/doc/*/copyright.

    Debian GNU/Linux comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent

    permitted by applicable law.

    $ sudo ls

    We trust you have received the usual lecture from the local System

    Administrator. It usually boils down to these three things:

    #1) Respect the privacy of others.

    #2) Think before you type.

    #3) With great power comes great responsibility.

    [sudo] password for administrator:

    $ ls


    If i use Pi , it can get into the pi directory but when I use administrator i end up with nothing. I am hoping to creates a home directory and other things if i can get into OVM.

    Where an i am going wrong ssh is in the group but no showing on screenshoot until you click on it . I hope that you can shed some light on what i am doing wrong Thanks in adavance

    Hi cubemin

    I was able to create a folder , however , i am still at lost on how to ssh to OVM, as i said i ssh to PI as you can see and it gives me the files . When i am in PI i am not able to create a home directly in OVM ? So how do ssh into OMV to create and amend files ?

    Can you explain what i am doing wrong once i know the direction i should be going i will understand. I would appreciate your help before i forget the whole thing.

    Could not chdir to home directory : No such file or directory

    pi@raspberrypi:/$ ls

    bin dev export lib media opt root sbin sys usr

    boot etc home lost+found mnt proc run srv tmp var


    Hi , thanks for the reply Mike does not have a home folder as i cannot ssh into OVM by to create one . I can ssh in to pi @ raspberry where OVM is located but when i try to list (ls) this is all that is listed as you can see on the screenshot. SSH into raspi-config . I created a new user admin-user , user, ssh root , adm sambashare but i am not sure exactly if i am in OMV.

    Could not chdir to home directory /home/admin-user: No such file or directory

    $ ls

    bin dev export lib media opt root sbin sys usr

    boot etc home lost+found mnt proc run srv tmp var

    $ cd home

    $ ls

    mike pi

    $ cd mike


    As i said i am a novice and willing to learn if i can be directed in the right direction with some help.

    Hi as newbie , i am still unable to ssh directly to OVM on my RPI4 4gb i set mike as a user in users with the groups "adm ssh sudo, root," sambashare , with a password. However when i tried to ssh access denied with user mike, but when i tried with user pi i gained access to pi@raspberry with the password i used i omv. I have no idea why i cannot access omv ?

    Any help and procedure would be help. thanks in advance.

    Hi thanks for reply tried with pi but no success access denied. This morning i removed Mike and setup new user Mikey this user did not work however i did manage to ssh using ssh pi@ 192.168 xxxxxx this only gave access to raspberrypi. OMV is enabled as you can see. I am using Imac terminal

    How do i get to OMV ? as i said i am a newbie to this.

    Hi , installed OMV on RPI4 4gb following TDL video, enable / started ssh during installation, console ssh is enabled , new user with groups added sudo, root & smb. I am unable to ssh into OMV. Looked at various forum message but still unable to connect.

    As a newbies can someone please help and advise how to create password for root or where i am going wrong.