Beiträge von oopenmediavault

    Ah right. Now it makes sense why my attempts have been failing. Do you have any specific recommendation on what to change in which file? I would just google the generic way of doing it on Debian but I am asking to make sure I don't mess anything up with OMV. Or do it in a way in which OMV overwrites my change at some point in the futures (system updates?). Is it fine to just create e.g. 98disable-apticron-report with this content?

    APT::Periodic::Unattended-Upgrade "0";

    let me know how you did it if you find out how....

    Zitat von oopenmediavault

    What is the reasoning behind not allowing users to simply turn those off in the GUI?

    So? Any update?

    There were very specific and legitimate questions asked by quarks, who followed the procedure of the docs and votdev, yet it does not work as intended.

    I'm not sure why all the help provided until now was mostly indirect and we are left to guess how to do it more or less, while the reasoning for removing the GUI option is not explained.

    So, I have an intel NUC running on OMV on which I attached

    - 2 HDDs with an external power connection via USB each

    - 1 SSD per USB

    - 1 NVME via USB

    . I used the NVME only for Swap storage.

    Now yesterday the NVME suddenly was missing in the devices and the server obviously wasnt responding very well to swap missing, so it got stuck etc.. I rebooted, but swap didnt come back.

    I checked if the disk was found, but I could not find it even with blkid, lsblk etc. So I unplugged the NVME and plugged it into my laptop.

    In the Laptop it is recognized without a problem.

    I then plugged another USB stick into the problem usb port on the Intel NUC , which didnt get recognized too. (And no DMESG messages).

    When I plug in a keyboard it works flawlessly though. I can type and I see stuff in dmesg about USB plugged in or out when I unplug it, compared to the disk or the usb stick where nothing shows.

    I then checked by booting into a live os if it is recognized there (gparted live), but also there it didnt recognize the disk on the USB port. Whats going on?

    Is the USB port broken?

    You have installed the antivirus OMV plugin. By default it is NOT installed. You have installed it.

    I dont see it as "installed" in plugins tab and I never installed it.

    this is output of dpkg -l | grep clam

    ii  clamav                             0.103.10+dfsg-0+deb11u1              amd64        anti-virus utility for Unix - command-line interface
    ii  clamav-base                        0.103.10+dfsg-0+deb11u1              all          anti-virus utility for Unix - base package
    ii  clamav-freshclam                   0.103.10+dfsg-0+deb11u1              amd64        anti-virus utility for Unix - virus database update utility
    ii  libclamav9:amd64                   0.103.10+dfsg-0+deb11u1              amd64        anti-virus utility for Unix - library

    Everytime I restart my server, a full scrub starts on all my disks. There is already a job that should do this monthly. Why is it not checking the last runtime and only scrubbing the disks when it was already more than a month since then?

    for me I see



    In the logs. I assumed something with clamav is running...

    I suggest restic for backing up. It uses snapshots and quite a good backup tool. I use it for my backups. You could just run it weekly. Since most is explained in the documentation linked below, I don't have to explain more, but you can read up on it there.

    I think automatic mounting, starting the backup script and unmounting after it is finished have to all be scripted yourself though and you should know how to script with bash a bit.

    Restic Documentation — restic 0.15.2 documentation