Beiträge von cyablo

    I was searching for a Solution to this and found something. Maybe its an Idea to mount the Samba Shares to the FTP chroot and not the Filesystem itself. There is a Page on the Greyhole Github Page on working with the Pool locally:…e/wiki/MountSharesLocally

    Through the Share, symlinks are no longer a Problem. The biggest Problem should be linking the FTP User Credentials to the SMB Login Credentials and mounting the right Shares with the right User.


    im ussing Greyhole and now wanted to add FTP functionality so i added my Shares to the FTP Tab.

    First of all, the symlinks created by Greyhole are not visible on FTP listing. Most newer FTP clients use MLSD for listing which ProFTP only supports for Symlinks from version 1.3.4b and newer.
    There is a workaround for this, by adding:

    <IfModule mod_facts.c>
    FactsAdvertise off

    to the ProFTP Config, so the Client is forced to use the older LIST Command, now the Symlinks show up. As far as i understand, ProFTP is chrooted to /srv/ftp and the Shares are mounted using "--bind" into that folder.

    Now my Problem: ProFTP is not able to follow the Symlinks. if i try to Download a symlinked File:

    550 duplicity-full-signatures.20140517T000741Z.sigtar.gpg: No such file or directory

    This shurely is because they Point outside of the chrooted /srv/ftp dir. Is there any way around this? In combination with Greyhole, FTP pretty much seems to be useless for accessing my Pooled-Files...



    Sorry, that does not answer my Question why the Permission under the Greyhole Folders do not change when ich change them in ACL. I know I can change the Perms of the Folders and Files, I did already, but why do I have to do this by hand? Isnt this what this Portion of the ACL Menu is for?


    as far as im understanding the "Extended Option" Part of the ACL Dialog is representing the Linux File-System Permissions.
    Before I ask my Question, I have to mention that I'm using Greyhole.

    So, the ACL Permission where Default set to 755 for one share. Now i have set "others" to have no Permission in ACL and marked the recursive Option.
    This only changes the Permissions of the Folders and Files in the Landing Zone to 770. The Symlinks remain untouched at 777 which I guess is correct.

    The Permissions of the Files and Folder which have been balanced to the Greyhole Folders of my Drives are not touched and remain 755, or whatever they were created with.
    I played al little bit with ACL to get used to it, so i have files with 755, 744 and 600 Permissions sitting on my balanced Drives.

    Shouldnt they be automatically changed to what I set in ACL? It does work for all Files and Folders in the Landing-Zone too and they get chmod'ed, but not the ones already balanced.

