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    Same here i would love to use both on my machine, but for the moment docker wins.

    Simple stop of docker service is not enough to have access to port 3670. This indicates some configuration issue.

    I followed votdevs hint and added --iptables=false on the commandline of docker.service.

    nano /lib/systemd/system/docker.service

    systemctl daemon-reload

    systemctl restart docker.service


    After this reboot access to all docker containers and to file browser port was possible.

    Unfortunately this endangers dockers security concept and could not be the final solution.


    as a late follow up on this topic i found an article on quota for ubuntu - unfortunately in german, where it was explained how to generate the files with the program "quotacheck". See the german Wiki of Ubuntuusers on Quota.

    I faced the issue after an update from OMV 4.x to OMV 5.x, with aquota.user/ files have been completely missing.

    That solved the issue on my side:

    sudo quotacheck -acmug

    After this a restart of the service was successful.

    Best Regards
