Beiträge von RxBrad

    My external USB backup drive is particularly slow to spin up from standby. In the process of it spinning up and rsnapshot trying to run, it appears that OMV set the drive to readonly. SMART monitoring appears to be okay once I took a look manually.


    Service: filesystem_srv_dev-disk-by-uuid-7afd072c-adb6-42ac-83c1-00557a1ae808

    Event: Filesystem flags changed Description: filesystem flags changed to ro,relatime,jqfmt=vfsv0,usrjquota=aquota.user,

    How do I set it back to normal?

    I've already searched the forum, but all I can find are a few posts saying "you have to use the cli" with no instructions beyond that.

    I get the impression that OMV has its own special ways it handles filesystems outside of the normal fstab, so I'm not sure where to even go.

    Add me to the list of people stuck at 100Mbps speeds on a 1000Mbps Ethernet connection...

    OMV fully updated on Debian 32bit. Clients on Win10/11. Both sides acknowledge 1000Mbps Ethernet; but transfer speeds locked at ~11MB/s.