Beiträge von Adrian E

    This is still happening in OMV4 as well - had it pop up after rebuilding my RAID post-drive failure.

    Is there a version of this guide that goes back to first principles in terms of amending the value of spares from '1' to '0'? I don't know where to start (but presume it's in Putty or similar?!)

    Thanks - I marked this as resolved, as did some further digging and got some advice from an IT tech friend. ordered a pair of new 3TB WD drives at 9pm and they arrived the next morning (one to replace the dead drive, the other as a spare in case the process of rebuilding the RAID caused one of the other drives to die!)

    Since my HP microserver doesn't support hot swapping I shut it right down and physically checked the discs for the correct serial number - got the right one at 2nd guess. Interestingly (ish!) the drive that's failed is one of a pair of newer ones (albeit from 2014).

    Popped in new disc straight out of the packet and went into 'repair' and chose the new disc. About 10 hours later everything was back to 'clean'. Now wondering if I can figure a way to house the new 'spare' drive within the server. Already have x4 data drives, an SSD for OMV and a spare 2.5" drive with a backup of OMV within the case (but not connected). I've got negligible redundancy on the RAID at the moment. I might be able to remove the 2.5" drive as that's housed in the optical drive bay at the moment with the SSD sitting on top of it!

    Hoping those with greater IT skills than I can advise if this is what it appears to be:

    I just had the following e-mailed message via OMV:

    This is an automatically generated mail message from mdadm running on openmediavault

    A Fail event had been detected on md device /dev/md/0.

    It could be related to component device /dev/sdd.

    Faithfully yours, etc.

    P.S. The /proc/mdstat file currently contains the following:

    Personalities : [raid6] [raid5] [raid4] [linear] [multipath] [raid0] [raid1] [raid10]

    md0 : active raid5 sdb[0] sdd[2](F) sdc[1] sde[3]

    8790405120 blocks super 1.2 level 5, 512k chunk, algorithm 2 [4/3] [UU_U]

    unused devices: <none>Hi all

    Looking under SMART and devices shows that sdd appears offline.

    At the moment I can still access files on the server, but I'm pretty sure the RAID setup I have can only cope with one failed drive so I need to sort this before another falls over.

    Anything worth trying before I assume it's dead?

    Is there a walkthrough guide for replacing the drive and other steps to integrate a new drive into the RAID?

    Many thanks for any and all advice :)


    In case it helps, I get the following when I run apt-get update which might explain why my list of plugins isn't quite as it should be.....

    Hi all

    Finally bit the bullet and installed 4.1.20 to replace my aged Stoneburner install in my HP Micro Server. Got it running OK with data drives reinstalled and RAID mounted and set most things up, but run into an issue with plugins. I installed OMV Extras, and from there installed Docker and Shellinabox. I tried to search Docker for Transmission, but the search box failed to populate as I typed and the direct link didn't seem to result in anything happening either.

    I have tried to remove Docker to reinstall, but at the same time have noticed that the standard 'plugins' section now only contains my two installed plugins (shellinabox and omv-extras) and nothing else.

    I'm now stumped as I've managed to lose Docker from under services, but Docker CE is still there and it makes no difference if it's enabled or not.

    Suggestions very much welcome on how I resolve!


    Thanks for the reply - it more or less went smoothly! I had an issue with installing from a USB stick to an SSD, which I remember having an issue with before so some searching found the solution ref sorting grub post-install :)

    Got most of the setup done but now having some issues, which I'll post about separately as this thread title isn't very helpful for that!


    Hi all

    A house move and work means I've been ignoring the need to update OMV on my HP Micro Server for rather a long time! Although stoneburner is still working, I'm aware there is no longer support for it and I really should upgrade! I'm also aware this needs to be a clean install.

    I have downloaded the latest version and watched the full install video, to remind me how to do it.

    My question is how do I best ensure I don't mess up the date contained in my file system? I have x4 WD red 3TB drives in RAID5 and I'm using about 5TB of that, plus have a load of folder shares setup that I'd rather not have to try and recreate.

    I'm also aware I need to remove the physical storage discs before I install the latest version of OMV (I have previously done an upgrade rebuild, but had an IT-savvy mate to assist me!) but I seem to recall it was a bit fiddly to 'mount' the existing file system once the install was complete and the data drives were reinstalled.

    Apologies if this is covered elsewhere - not knowing what to use as search terms to find the answer has stumped me a bit! A link to what I should be doing would be great, or some idiot-proof guidance :)

    Am planning on doing this either today or over the weekend, hopefully. I need to retrieve my server and find the key to access the drives first!

    Thank you for any assistance


    Hi there

    I've been experiencing an issue with MiniDLNA v1.1 for some time, which I've just been ignoring! I have OMV installed on an HP microserver and stream video files to my TV via powerline ethernet adaptors. For some time now when I select media server from my TV (a 2014 Panasonic plasma) MiniDLNA doesn't show up on the list of available sources for something like 40 seconds. My desktop PC accounts all show instantly. I don't think it's a network connectivity issue as once connected it works fine, and I've changed my router fairly recently and the behaviour is the same.

    I did think it might be disc access time as I've got my data drives set to 127 for power management with accoustic management set to min performance/min accoustic output, with spindown after 10 mins with OMV installed on an SSD. I tried making sure the drives were running before attempting to access via the TV but that's made no difference.

    There's been no firmware updates for the TV in years, but I can't rule it out as a potential source of the problem, although it seems unlikely given it picks up the accounts on my PC?

    I'm not spectacularly proficient with the inner workings of software/server issues, so please be gentle!

    Hi folks

    I'm a numpty with code so please bare with me!

    I've been wanting to swap my OMV install from a noisy 250GB HDD to a spare 128GB SSD I had left over after an upgrade. I've tried this before using clonezilla and couldn't get it to work due to the drive being smaller, even after shrinking the partition.

    I've removed the HDD from my HP microserver and attached both drives to my desktop pc, used minitool partition wizard to copy the OMV installation partition and the Linux swap partition over and that's worked fine.

    SSD now in the HP server and it gets as far as saying 'grub' and I'm now stumped as to what other steps are required? I'm thinking possibly UUID? There's no option in minitool partition wizard to view or change it but thought I'd post here before I screw anything up! The old drive is safely stored for now.....

    Thanks all

    Hi there

    I'm getting the same error at the moment - the output of ls -alh /etc/logrotate.d/ is below:

    I don't know what the above means, so rather than follow the instructions above blindly I thought I'd check if the same recommendation applies!

    Many thanks


    I don't have that file on any of my systems either.

    As root:
    mv /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/99openmediavault-release /root/
    apt-get update

    If no errors, delete the file:
    rm /root/99openmediavault-release

    Thanks - done - will see if the e-mail error warnings disappear!

    6 updates have now appeared in my web gui update list, which weren't available earlier


    Thanks for the suggestion - did as advised and shrunk the partition down, but clonezilla still sees the drive as being smaller and refuses to copy it across? I've deleted the partitions that were sitting on the SSD so it's basically an unformatted disc as I thought that might be the issue. Have tried creating an image from the original HDD and restoring that to the SSD and it falls over again. Also tried telling clonezilla to ignore the size of the SSD in advanced options, with no change.

    Am I missing a step here somewhere or is there a way to fool clonezilla into believing the HDD is smaller than it is?

    Hi folks

    I have OMV setup just the way I want it, so would rather not have to reinstall from scratch. At the moment my HP Micro Server is running the supplied HDD with OMV on it (250GB from memory) and after cloning the OS drive on my desktop I now have a spare Crucial M4 128GB SSD sitting here, which I'd like to install for running OMV in the micro server.

    I used Clonezilla to image my old SSD onto the new one, so familiar with that. Unfortunately it can't deal with imaging a larger drive onto a smaller one. I'm not that familiar with Linux use, purely because OMV is the only thing I use it for, so not sure if shrinking, then re-expanding the image size in Linux is straightforward to do, or if there's an alternative method?

    Grateful for a steer :)


    Hi all

    I recently rebuilt my HP micro server after installing additional storage and following that doing a reinstall of OMV after swapping my USB stick for a proper HDD. I've noticed that transmissionbt doesn't seem to be working as well as it was before I started messing about. In configuration terms my network setup is the same, although I've set a static IP now as it changed on reinstallation and that was a pain with loads of network shares setup in windows based on IP.

    I have a number of files sitting in the active torrents tab but they're not seeding - looking in the webUI for transmission, only the publicbt tracker seems to be working - both openbittorrent and tracker.ccc say could not connect/connection failed. Is this likely to be down to a network issue or a problem with my install of the plugin? Can't see any way in the webUI or OMV to update the trackers manually.

    If I run utorrent on my desktop I'm seeing a file uploading at a decent rate, but in transmission it's either very slow or not seeding at all? I've also struggled to upload some files for initial seeding - downloader sees more or less no download speed. Before reinstalling I'd see speeds of MB/s rather than KB! I'm on a 50meg cable connection....

    Last oddity is the blocklist - it's set to the default option, but every time it runs I get an e-mail telling me:

    /etc/cron.weekly/transmissionbt:Error: gotNewBlocklist: http error 404: Not Foundrun-parts: /etc/cron.weekly/transmissionbt exited with return code 1

    Any suggestions on how to find the source of the issues, or things to try in settings to improve?