Beiträge von tr4d3w1nd3r

    Thanks a lot mate. I used this command to stop CP:
    pkill -f
    ... which allowed me to edit the settings.conf file as you confirmed

    Then I tried to restart CP using this command:
    python ~/CouchPotatoServer/ &
    ... but it returned an error

    so I rebooted and could then start again with the setup wizzard. :)
    Note for others: the advanced settings (to enable SSL) seem only available afterwards

    Hi all,

    First of all thanks a lot for putting up this script and following up. Also please excuse me in advance if my questions are naive... I try hard, but I still desperately remain a noob ;)

    I used the script to install Couchpotato Server, Sickbeard, Sabnzbd and Headphones (in a directory I created purposely in /) on my OMV (sardaukar).
    The install went fine with no error.

    I opened the following ports in my firewall :
    5050 (tcp) for CPS
    8081 (tcp) for Sickbeard
    8083 (tcp) for SABnzbd
    8080 (tcp) for Headphones.
    But when I select one of the new service icons in the left panel of omv web gui, the right frame fails to load the corresponding UI.

    Note: In the case of Sickbeard, accessing its web UI from a browser and enabling SSL solved the issue: Now Sickbeard's UI appears in the right panel when selecting the service icon.

    When I type the following URLs in a browser :
    - http://[serverIP]:8080 => SABnzbd UI while I expected Headphones on that port
    - https://[serverIP]:8081 => Sickbeard UI - correct (as explained above)
    - http://[serverIP]:5050 => Couchpotato UI - correct.... but I now have a new issue I'll explain further down
    - I ignore what's the port to open for Headphones (?)

    Your guidance will be greatly appreciated in this regard.

    1) Which ports to open in firewall (especially for SSL access) for each of these services... as it seems I gathered wrong info?

    2) How to (if possible) enable SSL access for SABnzbd, CP Server, and Headphones?

    3) Also I'd like to know the proper way to uninstall any of the services installed using this nice script

    4) Last... but not least: How to recover CP Server's login & pwd? I probably did set them from the UI but can't access it anymore since today...
    I tried findin them in /root/.couchpotato/settings.conf but couldn't find :(

    Thank you in advance. Keep up the excellent work.

    The firewall was activated when this problem started (as it was before, and still is).
    I did follow your guide when setting up the firewall. Which particular part are you thinking about else than port 443 (as I use SSL to access web GUI)?

    Just before this problem started I had enabled and set up Owncloud and remember reviewing firewall rules, but I don't remember making any change to it ; "iptables -L -n -v" command confirms port 443 is open (I use SSL)... although it obviously most probably did ;)
    0 0 ACCEPT tcp -- * * tcp spt:443 dpt:443

    I can't find a safe way (i.e. ensuring SSH access isn't flushed) to deactivate iptables in CLI and I haven't seen what could be wrong in firewall rules... but I'm obviously no firewalling expert.
    Apart from adding rules for static NFS ports, my firewall rules are basically the same as in your guide.

    Could you guide me as to check anything Aspecific ? or a firewall troubleshooting method.

    Thank you very much for your kind help

    Vielen dank für dein antwort tekkbebe.. much appreciated
    I did try this and it doesn't make a difference... :(

    It's not coming from my browser (tried both Firefox and Chrome), nor from the machine I try to access the web GUI from (tried from another one).

    Should I try reinstaling anything or assess firewall rules? Any further input would be helpful.


    Since I am encountering the same issue (web gui no longer loading), I am posting here as it seems somehow comparable to first post
    SSH working. Both SMB and NFS shares accessible.
    I checked and Apache2 is running.

    I ran the 2 netstat commands suggested above for each port 80 and 443 ; it seems alright to the noob I am:
    netstat -tulpen | grep 80
    tcp 0 0* LISTEN 0 295714 9030/apache2
    tcp6 0 0 :::51413 :::* LISTEN 114 7380 1593/transmission-d
    udp 0 0* 112 7800 1950/Plex Media Ser
    udp 0 0* 112 7798 1950/Plex Media Ser
    root@FAMILYNAS:~# netstat -tulpen | grep 443
    tcp 0 0* LISTEN 0 295717 9030/apache2

    I wonder what is the cause of this issue and how to fix it. Would you mind helping me figure this out please?