Beiträge von zieglerziga

    Hello everyone,

    I relocated a my server to another home network and it needed sadly another ip address and my proxy manager config was broken.
    I am using two dns names, one for workbench and one for the file browser service.
    I reinstalled nginx proxy created two proxy hosts and the proxy host for the workbench works well.
    I attached the current proxyhost list screenshot from nginx.

    My current issue:
    If i open the domain name for the file browser it redirects me to the workbench admin page.

    I am using cloudflare and nginx proxy manager which is running as a docker container (new docker compose plugin is awesome!).

    It is a fairly old omv installation i think it started as a omv 5.0 and i upgraded to 6.0 and now 7.0 if that is relevant.

    Could you please guide me where shall i start debugging?

    Thanks a lot!


    Thank you Zoki and KM0201!

    I hope the container name is universal and this is the final form of the command for omv6:

    podman container exec -it photoprism-app photoprism passwd

    I disabled and reenabled the photoprism service from the OMV GUI and now it is working.

    Hello everyone,

    I set up the new photoprism plugin (it is awesome btw) and of course i forget to store my super secure generated password in Bitwarden and now i am locked out.

    I tried to do my homework and i found this thread about the topic:…ts/ktfebx/reset_password/

    Here the proposed solution: "docker-compose exec photoprism photoprism passwd"

    I installed photoprism as an OMV 6 plugin which is not exactly the same as a docker container.
    Here is my problem if i disable and reenable photoprsim -> the credentials remain the same.
    I would have a bruteforce idea -> delete the photorprism section from the openmedia config.xml. I dont like it :D

    IS there a way to access the photoprism plugin and trigger a pwd reset?

    Thanks in advance!