Beiträge von mroussin51

    Thanks for that KM0201 and chente. I just got my training wheels off and I needed a push. I am trying to have a better way to manage my photos.

    I am going to give photoprism a try. I just want to start from an educated stand point. In my research I have found that there are entire books written about docker. That made me overwhelmed. One more question following your replies:

    Should I just run PhotoPrism without Docker utilizing Podman? Is it as easy as installing the PhotoPrism plugin? Is there a better way to manage my photos?

    Thanks again,



    I'm a beginner at containers and virtualization. I am just wondering if there is a step by step guide that someone can point me to. I have found some docker-portainer and photoprism guides. Most don't include omv. I found mixed examples of info about photoprism. One said that photoprism runs in its own container. Does that mean kerberos or docker or is it in it's own container?

    Like I said if anyone could shed some light it would be so appreciated. I am ignorant be shall improve. A couple good links would be great.
