Beiträge von rockguy40

    After some research it seems the problem is related to the ax88179 chipset and widely reported on the internet on other linux os, I managed to find a solution on GitHub and I am trying it out. Will report back if it works in a couple of weeks.

    Simply login as root via ssh, then:

    sudo nano /etc/modprobe.d/ax88179_178a-fix.conf 

    An then add to the newly created file:

    softdep ax88179_178a pre: cdc_mbim

    Save, exit and reboot the machine.

    Again I will report back in a few weeks if it solved the problem.

    Hi there, I built a low power nas out of an unused dell inspiron laptop without a screen, this laptop hasn't got an ethernet port so I added a tp-link usb adapter based on the ax88179 chipset. It all works very well and has been for several months. The only problem I have is the ethernet adapter intermittently crashing when transferring files via smb. It doesn't happen with a particular cadence, but it usually happens when I'm transferring (to or from) a large number of files or files that are more than 2-3-4gb in size, or both. It doesn't always happen, only at times (usually once per week). It doesn't crash omv, to solve it I simply unplug and replug the adapter. It's more of an annoyance really but I hoped someone could tell me if it's a software problem or a hardware one (I realize an ethernet adapter isn't really ideal, but that's the only solution for this machine).

    I did also add a routine task to reboot the machine once a week in the hope it would solve it but it hasn't.

    I'll attach the system logs to this post.

    I recently installed Win 10 ltsc on a pc at home (because reasons) and I later found out it wouldn’t connect to my omv server (where i have guest access only enabled for all shares). While it showed up in the network tab clicking on it resulted in this error:

    Network Error
    Error code 0×80070035
    The network path was not found

    Neither putting in the actual ip of the server worked (as in \\192.168.1.xx). It did however work from all other devices that I have. So i figured it must have been something LTSC related and in fact after a lot of searching I came across a thread on microsoft forums that suggested something policy related was behind the error. And in fact it was, it appears guest access is disabled by default on network shares in LTSC versions of windows.

    So the fix:

    1) Open regedit

    2) Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanWorkstation\Parameters

    3) Create new entry Dword 32bit value

    4) Rename the newly created Dword as AllowInsecureGuestAuth

    5) Double click and change the value to 1

    6) It should now work

    Hope it helps someone :)

    here you go (first bit is in Italian but hope it's not a problem)

    I have been struggling with the same problem lately on OMV 6.0.45, the solution is reported in this thread.

    In my case the syslog showed this error:

    collectd[1013]: rrdcached plugin: Failed to connect to RRDCacheD at unix:/var/run/rrdcached.sock: Unable to connect to rrdcached: No such file or directory (status=2)

    So for the solution SSH into omv and type:

    cd /sbin/
    cp start-stop-daemon.REAL start-stop-daemon

    Then reboot. Now the graphs should start working normally.

    Apparently a file isn't being replaced correctly duting install. Now my install isn't fresh (i started on an older version of omv6) and i think the error has been there since the beginning only it was silent and since i usually don't use the graphs i only noticed now. Maybe on new installs it's already being solved, anyhow i'll leave it here in case anyone needs it.

    This is what fixed the issue for me on 6.0.44 , both on iPhone and iPad. Reading is not a problem but for some reason it won't write without this fix. Might as much be an Apple problem as an omv one.

    Had the same problem with Monterey 12.5

    To solve it:
    1 Use the reset permission plugin on your shares (you can install it from the plugin panel)

    2 Put the code in the smb configuration page (under extra options)

    fruit:nfs_aces = no

    3 If you also want to use TimeMachine, since it breaks the smb shares for macOS, DON'T tick the option in the samba share, but put the following code in the "extra options" of the samba share you want to use for the backups (see attached image)

    vfs objects = fruit streams_xattr
    fruit:time machine = yes

    Using these settings it finally works for me as it should and I can use both TimeMachine and the samba shares.

    I suspect there is something wrong with omv default implementation of timemachine\smb

    Also, I have found the link in the previous post to be quite helpful