Beiträge von akong

    I have use command "testparm" to see samba setup.It's will show tow errors.
    1.rlimit_max: increasing rlimit_max (1024) to minimum Windows limit (16384)
    2.WARNING: The "null passwords" option is deprecated
    I have search by google about first question and setup it.But it's useless when I reboot machine.
    Please help me,Thanks a lot.

    I found /etc/rsyslog.d/ folder have openmediavault-smbd_audit.conf.
    This file will log audit to /var/log/samba/audit.log
    But it's can't log any action even I rename/move file.
    How to use it?

    I have some question.
    1.I have set logger on smb/cifs and level is 2.But it's will log on /var/log/message when I copy/rename/move any file or folder.Is it all right?
    2.Could let system log can auto refresh web page?
    3.Could add join Active Directory feature to OMV?
    Thanks a lot.

    Like vsftp.
    The vsftp can set every user default login path.
    I don't know how to setup OMV FTP server to do it?
    And When I create user account.
    The samba will need account to view share folders even I setup anonymous samba.
    How to fix it?