Beiträge von hauiproductions

    Hi geaves, thanks for helping out.

    ~# findmnt -t ext4


    / /dev/sdc1 ext4 rw,relatime,errors=remount-ro


    │ /dev/sdc3 ext4 rw,relatime,stripe=8191,jqfmt=vfsv0,

    └─/media/hdd1 /dev/mapper/crypt_hdd1 ext4 rw,relatime

    Installed the sharerootfs plugin, it works thank you !

    Done the sharing via sharerootfs plugin on /media/hdd1.

    Maybe thats what it was before.......

    Thanks a lot !

    Hello everybody,

    my NAS with OMV 5 worked fine for years, now it was time to update it to V6.

    Everything about the upgrade worked fine, except this:

    I have a boot drive 120 gb SSD (usb - its a terramaster nas and device /dev/sdc) and a raid 1 created with OMV 5 on /dev/md0.

    After Upgrade to 6 i see /dev/md0 in Storage - Software Raid: Its clean, healthy and made of /dev/sda and /dev/sdb

    In File Systems i only see Partition /dev/sdc3 (there are my docker containers on it) , but nothing else, no sdc (the boot drive), no sda, sdb or md0.

    So its also not possible to create Samba file shares or else, because only sdc3 is visible for omv.

    Tried it with installed webmin, shares with samba can be created and working, but they are of course gone when OMV overwrites the smb.conf.

    I have been read most everything in the forum and google and also tested most every hint about this, but no success.

    I know that there maybe an issue with OMVs Database, that these drives are not seen, but i dont know how i can fix this..

    Do you have any ideas ? Thanks a lot for any help..... with OMV5 all worked fine in this configuration.

    ~# cat /proc/mdstat

    :~# blkid

    # fdisk -l | grep "Disk "

    :~# cat /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf

    :~# mdadm --detail --scan --verbose