Beiträge von sno0k

    Do share folder belong to the mergerfs mount point even if they using the direct path? Beffy mentioned it a few post earlier and I wasn't sure about that point.

    There is however some folders under Shared Folders, but they use the direct path (i.e. /media/hdd1/folder) and not the mount point path (i.e. /media/mount point/folder).

    How do you setup your pool? Your parity drive shouldn't be in the pool. Look at the picture section 9 or read the second passage.

    You have to distinguish data (Daten) from content (Inhalt). Content only meens the checksum file snapraid creates to check or restore data, if I'm not wrong. On the picture from technikaffe there is only content marked for the parity drive and therefor no data (your files) will be stored at this drive.

    Had the same issues a year ago. You can read it up in the unionfilesystem plugin thread.
    Meanwhile I switched to mergerfs and get similar speeds in read (above 100Mb/s) and write (average of 75Mb/s or higher) compared to an aufs pool. To reach this speeds you have to add something over cli (see this post).
    I'm satisfied with the result.

    Do you have port 445 in your list of scanned ports? Remove this one and give it a try.:) Had the same issue at the beginning and the autoschutdown log showed ist as active. After I removed 445 my server was not prevented to automatically shutdown anymore.

    I just installed the jdownloader plugin and got an issue with the download path. I've set my shared folder and the directory, where the files should be saved but no matter what I do, they end up in the home folder of jdownloader
    (./home/jdownloader/Downloads/). Any tips I can test? The user jdownloader has write/read privileges for the shared folder.

    Kleiner Tipp bei solchen Meldungen: einfach [ code]Nachricht[ /code] (ohne die Leerzeichen hinter den "[") verwenden. Ist etwas übersichtlicher.
    Sieht dann so aus:


    Schau mal unter Netzwerk, ob beim Netzwerkadapter eine DNS-Adresse eingetragen ist. Wahlweise kannst du da die IP-Adresse von deinem Router eintragen.

    Ist es wirklich nur DSL 2000 oder fehlen da vielleicht noch 1-2 Nullen? :D
    Wenn nicht, dann hast du den Grund für die extrem langsame Geschwindigkeit bei ftp gefunden. DSL 2000 hat nur einen Upload von 24kByte/s. Da spielt es keine Rolle, ob du rsync oder ftp benutzt.

    Edit: mmhh, vielleicht fehlt noch das entsprechend port forwarding im Router bei dir zu Hause für ssh, damit es eine Verbindung aufbauen kann. Aber bin jetzt leider auch nicht so der Profi. Auch bei der Geschwindigkeit ist es schwierig zu sagen, ob es jetzt an irgendwelchen Einstellungen oder der Leitung liegt.

    It's an old 2,5" drive. I will check the drive just in case. Yeah did boot the new kernel.

    Edit: The omv drive seems to be ok.
    Is there somehow a possibility to completely remove docker-engine and do a fresh install?


    # This is also a handy place to tweak where Docker's temporary files go.
    #export TMPDIR="/mnt/bigdrive/docker-tmp"
    ### Do not change these lines. They are added and updated by the OMV Docker GUI plugin.
    OMVDOCKER_API="-H unix:///var/run/docker.sock -H tcp://"
    ### Do not add any configuration below this line. It will be removed when the plugin is removed


    Ok, maybe I've narrowed the problem down. I tried to reinstall the docker plugin and got an error. Then tried to remove docker-engine manually which causes an error too. Furthermore I'm getting a similar message when I want to update packages or plugins over webui.