Beiträge von hccz95

    OMV and php-fpm are only using 24% of one cpu though. There is something else going on with your system. If you stop omv and php-fpm, does the load go to 0?

    sudo systemctl stop openmediavault-engined

    sudo systemctl stop php8.2-fpm  # if you are on omv7

    sudo systemctl stop php7.4-fpm  # if you are on omv6

    I stopped openmediavault-engined and php7.4-fpm, but nothing helps.

    Do you have any idea to find the problem? I really want to find the reason before reinstalling OMV

    output from Diagnostics->Process (the original info are too long, so I put the entire in gist:(

    output from htop:

    you can see the cpu 0 and 1 are always 100%

    That is the OMV web interface. Removing docker and compose won't help you there. You could try removing different widgets from the dash to reduce the load.

    Downgrading is not supported and just avoiding the problem.

    you can see my screenshots carefully. this high CPU usage is unnormal because the OMV web interface cannot use all the two core at all the time, you can see that from the CPU Usage in my first screenshot.

    I tried removing all the widgets from the dash, but nothing help.

    What problem? I still don't know what jata1's problem was. The docker line with the missing field is as designed because it is showing the status of docker itself in the first line.

    If the widget is reporting something wrong with the container info, then the output of docker container ls is wrong (very doubtful). Nothing the widget can since it is just passing that exact info along.…ned/rpc/

    I upgraded openmediavault from 6.9.12-3 to 6.9.13-1 by `apt upgrade` at Feb.4th.

    Then I found the unnormal high CPU usage caused by `php-fpm: pool openmediavault-webgui`.

    I had uninstall docker and compose but the problem still exist.

    I wonder how to downgrade the openmediavault by `apt-get`.

    What do you mean you can't use omv-compose anymore? If you leave the path blank, you are responsible for creating a working /etc/docker/daemon.json.

    If I left the path blank, everytime I use the omv-compose, it reports an error:

    On install, it defaults the field to the directory listed in docker info but nothing applies those settings. It does not backup the previous files. If you install the plugin, set the shared folder, make the docker path blank, it shouldn't have overwritten you daemon.json.

    hello, if I make the docker path blank, I cannot use omv-compose anymore; but if I set a docker path blank, the daemon.json will be rewritten. How should I do?