Beiträge von toketin

    Thank you, I'm not able to find out which other service could be the root cause. Because I remember to have connected just the home assistant OMV addon, nothing else, which requires the admin's password.

    Hi, from a few days I've been noticed by email that someone or something is trying to login as admin on my OMV webui. I've immediatley changed the password, but after a while the admin user gets banned.

    Using omv-firstaid from ssh I'm able to reset the ban counter and login again, but the trouble keeps persist.

    This is the error found on logs that appears very frequently:

    openmediavault-webgui[153055]: Unauthorized login attempt from ::1 [username=admin, user-agent=python-requests/2.31.0]  

    How could I find from which service or ip this login attempt does come from? My network is behind nat of my provider, so the OMV webui isn't available on internet.

    I've OMV plugin into home assistant that uses the admin password, but I've already changed its password. So I guess it's something else which causes the ban.


    I've found the root of the trouble: since I've created the partition of the disk with a different machine with an more updated version of e2fsck, than the one on OMV 6, the partition contained an unsupported feature: FEATURE_C12 (source post). So on boot the filesystem check was failing.

    Moral of the story, in order to avoid any problem I think it's better to create the partition directly on the same host - machine.


    I've a problem with my external usb disk (etx4), since it didn't been recognized from the system on startup, I'm getting the error in the photo below. I've checked the integrity with fsck in another machine and it passes witout any error.

    What should I do in order to fix it?

    Thanks in advance!
