looks I just forgot to mount.
See the data now in the web interface.
But I cannot set rights for Users to read or read/write it via FTP.
It runs in a timeout (communication failure)
Posts by ollie74
Moin, habe das Raid mit 4x 3 TB im Raid 5 rausgezogen, dann auf eine 250er SATA OMV3 installiert 3.0.25 mit OMV-Extras 3.3.4
Jetzt sagt die Weboberfläche: RAID clean, nachdem ich die Platten wieder reingeschoben und gebootet habe.Möchte die Daten nicht verlieren, wenn ich jetzt was falsch mache. Wie kriege ich das RAID mit den Daten denn zurück?
Da ist jetzt auch so ein komisches Raid MDM127 Device oder so was ähnliches...
maybe somebody else can help out.
My 4x WD 3 TB Harddisks do not idle and shutdown.
The system is on a separate disc.
Further the system does not shutdown automaticly after a defined period with the auto shutdown plugin.therefore my power consumption is nowhere near 20w but constantly around 50w.
What can be the reason for this?
Hi, can you please explain in more detail, what has been changed and how you did this?
Is there any chance from the WEBGUI?
I have roughly 50 Watts constantly and to me it looks like the disks do not spin down properly. -
no from my reel box
Has anyone of you guys seen these errors ins e-tobi vdr-plugin for omg?
Nov 24 19:37:48 openmediavault rsyslogd: [origin software="rsyslogd" swVersion="5.8.11" x-pid="2290" x-info="http://www.rsyslog.com"] rsyslogd was HUPedNov 24 19:37:49 openmediavault rsyslogd: [origin software="rsyslogd" swVersion="5.8.11" x-pid="2290" x-info="http://www.rsyslog.com"] rsyslogd was HUPedNov 24 19:37:54 openmediavault vdr: [3820] ERROR: unknown parameter key 'E'Nov 24 19:38:03 openmediavault vdr: [3820] ERROR: unknown parameter key 'E'Nov 24 19:38:04 openmediavault vdr: [3796] ERROR: unknown parameter key 'E'Nov 24 19:38:04 openmediavault vdr: [3796] ERROR: unknown parameter key 'E'Nov 24 19:38:04 openmediavault vdr: [3796] ERROR: unknown parameter key 'E'Nov 24 19:38:04 openmediavault vdr: [3796] ERROR: unknown parameter key 'E'Nov 24 19:38:04 openmediavault vdr: [3796] ERROR: unknown parameter key 'E'Nov 24 19:38:04 openmediavault vdr: [3796] ERROR: unknown parameter key 'E'Nov 24 19:38:04 openmediavault vdr: [3796] ERROR: unknown parameter key 'E'Nov 24 19:38:04 openmediavault vdr: [3796] ERROR: unknown parameter key 'E'Nov 24 19:38:04 openmediavault vdr: [3796] ERROR: unknown parameter key 'E'Nov 24 19:38:04 openmediavault vdr: [3796] ERROR: unknown parameter key 'E'Nov 24 19:38:04 openmediavault vdr: [3796] ERROR: unknown parameter key 'E'Nov 24 19:38:04 openmediavault vdr: [3796] ERROR: unknown parameter key 'E'Nov 24 19:38:13 openmediavault vdr: [3820] ERROR: unknown parameter key 'E'Nov 24 19:38:22 openmediavault vdr: [3820] ERROR: unknown parameter key 'E'Nov 24 19:38:25 openmediavault vdr: [3796] ERROR: unknown parameter key 'E'Nov 24 19:38:25 openmediavault vdr: [3796] ERROR: unknown parameter key 'E'Nov 24 19:38:25 openmediavault vdr: [3796] ERROR: unknown parameter key 'E'Nov 24 19:38:25 openmediavault vdr: [3796] ERROR: unknown parameter key 'E'Nov 24 19:38:25 openmediavault vdr: [3796] ERROR: unknown parameter key 'E'Nov 24 19:38:25 openmediavault vdr: [3796] ERROR: unknown parameter key 'E'Nov 24 19:38:25 openmediavault vdr: [3796] ERROR: unknown parameter key 'E'Nov 24 19:38:25 openmediavault vdr: [3796] ERROR: unknown parameter key 'E'Nov 24 19:38:25 openmediavault vdr: [3796] ERROR: unknown parameter key 'E'Nov 24 19:38:25 openmediavault vdr: [3796] ERROR: unknown parameter key 'E'Nov 24 19:38:25 openmediavault vdr: [3796] ERROR: unknown parameter key 'E'Nov 24 19:38:25 openmediavault vdr: [3796] ERROR: unknown parameter key 'E'Nov 24 19:38:32 openmediavault vdr: [3820] ERROR: unknown parameter key 'E'
has anyone vdr-sc up and running?
reinstall solved it.
Thanks guys. I think the user management was corrupted or something like this. -
You have to those root and the password you set while installing OMV. NOT admin and your OMV WebIF Password. Did you try it like this?
yep I did that. No success.
I think I will go back to a clean install this weekend and then only activate the stuff I need carefully - not trying out everything as I did before... -
Have you enable FTP in OMV ?
The easiest way atm would be to go to OMV Webif, then Enable SSH and check the mark Allow Root login ( erlaube root login)
Then connect with http://winscp.net/eng/docs/lang:de and modify the file.
With SMB as far as i know you cannot get acces to the root directory nor the HDD where the OS has been installed.
Give it a try with Winscp
I don't know how many sat positions you can scan. For me with my card on Astra 19,2 it takes about 40 minutes to perform a full scan. Normaly after i finished the scan you can press close, wich has been greyed out before. Then you can click on the reload symbol and you should see the channels
On the Webinterface everything is activated. FTP, and SSH and login as superuser. WinSCP says: Connected, waiting for Welcome Message, Access denied...
Can you define very very long? Is it hours.
The thing is, I scans and shows messages like the one you posted. And then no more new messages appear for at least 10 minutes. Is this normal=ok, I can grab my channels.conf off my reelbox, I plan to substitute.
The thing is, I do not manage to log on via FTP or explorer using root.
The root user and PW are valid. I can go to the proliant server and log on locally.
Anyway I do not get remote access or connect via FTP or SMB via my Macbook, even though remote access from root is activated on the FTP and SSH page.What am I doing wrong?
Hi there,
I'm using OMV, latest Version and a sundtek Ultimate IV DVB-S2 USB-Stick together with the e-tobi VDR Plugin.
The Device is installed and recognized (checking for devices = 1).
I start the scan. Channels are found, but the scan stops after a while and no result is saved. I can only close the browser window.Any Idea?