Beiträge von omv4nas

    I was able to gain write access from Windows to an exFAT drive shared from my OMV server (an Intel i5, not a raspberry pi) by following this guide:

    Adding Support for exFAT on the Raspberry Pi
    Learn how to utilize exFat with Raspbian.

    I installed the "exfat-fuse" package and then, in the /etc/fstab file, edited the entry for my exFAT drive to use the mount options in that guide: defaults,auto,umask=000,users,rw 0 0

    Well you've polluted your debian based OMV install with a foreign repo. It should be removed to avoid future problems.

    It's only packages are:

    With this PPA you can install the following packages.
    - realtek-r8125-dkms
    - realtek-r8152-dkms

    I didn't mention it because this is not my thread. My reddit thread is here. I started this thread and the reddit thread on the same day; there was nothing yet in it to mention. My only previous discussion was with the author of the realtek-r8125-dkms module here. But that discussion ended at the kernel header issue which is when I started the reddit/OMV threads. Prior to my first post here, the commands were as follows:

    add-apt-repository ppa:awesometic/ppa
    apt update --allow-insecure-repositories
    apt install realtek-r8125-dkms

    The output and results are discussed in the github thread.

    I don't know why you are seeing this persistent kernel header error. Google is your friend.

    I appreciate your time troubleshooting this. I can assure you I have literally dozens of other tabs open researching this issue as well as separate help-request threads in /r/linux4noobs, discord, as well as github - directly with the author of the module; the passive-aggressive implication that I don't know how to google was unwarranted.

    I mentioned in #11 that i did root@openmediavault:~# apt-get purge realtek-r8125-dkms, I thought that would purge. Here's the latest output:

    root@openmediavault:/realtek/dkms# dkms install -m realtek-r8125 -v 9.012.04
    Error! Your kernel headers for kernel 6.1.0-0.deb11.13-amd64 cannot be found.
    Please install the linux-headers-6.1.0-0.deb11.13-amd64 package,
    or use the --kernelsourcedir option to tell DKMS where it's located
    root@openmediavault:/realtek/dkms# dkms install -m realtek-r8125 -v 9.012.04 --kernelsourcedir=/usr/src/linux-headers-$(uname-r)/include/
    Error! Your kernel headers for kernel 6.1.0-0.deb11.13-amd64 cannot be found.
    Please install the linux-headers-6.1.0-0.deb11.13-amd64 package,
    or use the --kernelsourcedir option to tell DKMS where it's located
    root@openmediavault:/realtek/dkms# ls /usr/src/linux-headers-$(uname -r)/include/
    config  generated
    root@openmediavault:/realtek/dkms# apt list --installed linux-headers-$(uname -r)
    Listing... Done
    linux-headers-6.1.0-0.deb11.13-amd64/bullseye-backports,now 6.1.55-1~bpo11+1 amd64 [installed]

    It's the one from github.

    I purged before the steps I took in post #9.

    root@openmediavault:/realtek/dkms# dpkg -l | grep headers
    ii  linux-headers-6.1.0-0.deb11.13-amd64  6.1.55-1~bpo11+1                     amd64        Header files for Linux 6.1.0-0.deb11.13-amd64
    ii  linux-headers-6.1.0-0.deb11.13-common 6.1.55-1~bpo11+1                     all          Common header files for Linux 6.1.0-0.deb11.13
    ii  linux-headers-amd64                   6.1.55-1~bpo11+1                     amd64        Header files for Linux amd64 configuration (meta-package)
    ii  linux-libc-dev:amd64                  5.10.209-2                           amd64        Linux support headers for userspace development
    root@openmediavault:/realtek/dkms# dkms status
    realtek-r8125, 9.012.04: added

    Well, after backing it up first, I removed the dkms directory with rm -rfv /var/lib/dkms. Then I reinstalled the kernel headers and then installed the r8125 package and it's still skipping the module build:

    I tried reinstalling the kernel headers and "they can't be found". I tried installing the kernel headers and "they're already the latest version".

    I'm new at this stuff and not sure what I'm doing wrong. It's been a fun project so far. It started with me wondering what I could do with 4TB worth of spare harddisks other than tossing them out. Other than getting this driver installed to enable 2.5 GB on the m.2 ethernet adapter I installed in this HP prodesk mini, everything else is working great.

    omv4nas Why are you surprised a package built for ubuntu is incompatible with OMV6?

    Use this one instead:…s/releases/tag/9.012.04-1

    It installs the r8125 driver without problems:

    Instead of trying to install via the package author's Launchpad PPA I tried downloading it and installing it directly. Still getting the error about kernel headers.

    According to Realtek's website, the drivers I'm trying to install are "for kernel up to 6.4" and the driver's README states, in part:

    - Kernel source tree (supported Linux kernel 2.6.x and 2.4.x)
    - For linux kernel 2.4.x, this driver supports 2.4.20 and latter.
    - Compiler/binutils for kernel compilation

    It looks like you're pulling from a Ubuntu repo? OMV is using a Debian kernel. It stands to reason that there may be differences between a specific Ubuntu kernel and a specific Debian kernel.

    If there were, wouldn't those differences cause issues after building the module? Why is it saying that the kernel headers for 6.1.0-0.deb11.13-amd64 aren't installed despite "linux-headers-6.1.0-0.deb11.13-amd64 is already the newest version"?

    I'm trying to install this module and it's telling me it's being skipped because of missing kernel headers. But as far as I can tell I've installed the kernel headers. How do I get this module installed?