Beiträge von flyhigh

    I am using a 4TB Nvme drive hat on the pi 5 using the sd card as the boot device. This is due to the GPT partition not created from PI Imager issue and the fact that partitions using MBR limit drive size to 2TB and images of PI are currently MBR images.

    I use macs of multiple generations and had file copy issues when testing. I have modified the /etc/samba/smb.conf file and changed ea support = no to = yes as shown below and now the copy error message do not occur.

    I found file coping very fast to the 4TB drive and happy with the performance so far. The smb.conf file says NOT to modify the file due to it being maintained by openmediavault but found no other way to change the setting below? There may be a way but was not sure where it is located in the settings section under smb in openmediavault admin pages.


    Apple extensions require support for extended attributes(xattr) - defaults to yes in Samba 4.9+:

    ea support = yes

    The default is set to no when OpenMediavault is created on Raspberry pi 5 installation. I found that changing the value in the smb.conf located in the /etc/samba/ directory.

    edit the smb.conf that openmediavault created and it even tells you NOT to edit this file and change from no to yes.

    Apple extensions require support for extended attributes(xattr) - defaults to yes in Samba 4.9+:

    ea support = yes

    It fixed all my Mac copy issues and errors I was getting. Not sure why it is set to no by default?