Beiträge von BullshotUK

    Hi all, I am trialling OMV to test it as a backup target.

    I am installing in Hyper-V cos its quick and easy to trial and will then trial on physical hardware.

    I have 2 virtual disks allocated and installed OMV onto sda. I came across the problem as listed in a couple of other places where despite seeing 2 disks is Storage > Disks I couldn't add a filesystem to sdb as it wasn't listed. However sda was.

    Odd I thought, I installed to sda.

    I then tried installing on a single disk and adding a second disk once the system was up and running.

    Oddly enough the boot disk which had been sda became sdb! I could install a file system on sda !

    Now I have used linux for many years however I am not a guru but I though the disk allocation to device was fixed.

    Is this disk moving from sda to sdb normal and expected behaviour?

    Thanks in advance.