Beiträge von vagabond360

    Thank you for your feedback. I tried mhddfs but the performance is really poor. I build a new NAS based on a Pentium J2900 (Asrock Q2900) which is really powerful (always utilizing 100% of the onboard Gbit LAN interface) but with mhddfs it drops down to 40 Mbyte/sec (seeing mhddfs using 80% of the cpu in the process list). So thats not an option but thank you for providing me details about AUFS and overlayfs. Maybe i go pooling later when overlayfs will be available in OMV. Also had a look on greyhole but i don't like it because of the mysql-db in the backend.

    Hello there,

    last night i did some tests with AUFS and copied a bunch of files and directories onto a share via SMB/CIFS (AUFS Pool 2x 2TB). I then tried to rename a folder via Windows/SMB which is existing on both drives (was split up during the copy process because AUFS writes to the disk with the most free space) and i get the error message: invalid device (ungültiges gerät)

    The only thing that works is copy the files to the share again with a different folder name.

    Is it possible that AUFS can't handle renaming of a directory in the pool which is existent on more the one drive? This makes it almost unusable for me...

    Best regards


    [/quote]Just tested some things and it looks fine but one problem remains: User1 and User2 have r/w to dir1. User1 created a folder and User2 should be able to delete it (or a file). This does currently not work. How do i archive that?[/quote]

    Just got it, think it should be the button "inherit permissions" in the SMB/CIFS section. I'll test that after the migration copy job is done, some TB left :)

    Just wanna say: OpenMediaVault is awesome! You guys did a great job!

    So the privileges are the samba authorization okay. But how can i share a folder for just one user if i have 3 of them? If i create a shared folder with default settings the usergroup users has readwrite access and every user is inside the users group. What i want to have is

    shared folder "folder1" r/w access "user2"
    shared folder "folder2" r/w access "user2"
    shared folder "shared" r/w access "user1" and "user2" r/o access "user3"

    for example :)

    Thank you very much for your time.

    Strange, for some reason this does not work for me. If i share a folder the default settings are admin r/w and users r/w. All new created users are in the users group. If i create a shared folder with admin r/w group/other no access and add r/w under privileges for a user named test, he cannot access the share or write files to it. Am i doing something wrong?

    Hello there,

    i don't know if this thread is still active but i'm missing one thing in the AUFS plugin: ACLs

    I can only control who can access/write/read a shared folder on a AUFS pool when creating the shared folder (Administrator/User Group settings during creating). After that, i normally change permissions through the ACL button (for example i want to have a share which is only readable for one user but not for some other users). Since the ACL button is greyed out i have no option to modify these settings.

    Will this feature be added later or is there a workaround?

    MHDDFS is no option because of poor performance so i just wanted to go the AUFs way...

    Best regards


    Wer sagt hier, dass im Hintergrund kein Magic Paket verschickt wird, wenn der Rechner nicht sofort erreichbar ist?

    Was ich meinte ist, dass es auch ohne Magic Paket geht, bei meinem derzeitigen Windows Server wird von den Windows Clients kein Magic Packet gesendet und er wacht sauber aus dem Standby auf. Es handelt sich dann nicht um ein definiertes Magic Packet, sondern um ein Wakeup Frame, eine kurze Beschreibung findet sich hier (suche nach Wakeup Frames):…ndowsShutdownandWake.html

    Ich weiss nicht ob es untergegangen ist in der Diskussion:

    Es ist generell möglich, ein System ohne Wake on LAN Paket aus dem Standby aufzuwecken. Unter meinen Windows-Systemen funktioniert das entsprechend. Unter Linux müsste das theoretisch auch gehen, ich hab nur gerade nicht die richtigen Begriffe parat zum googlen (hat was mit den Standby States S3 S5 u.ä. zu tun). Mit solch einem Setup wacht das System von selbst auf, auch wenn ein nicht-WOL-System darauf zugreift (kodi,firetv,User über das Internet, u.ä.).

    Leider sind meine OMV NAS Parts noch nicht da, kann deshalb erst genaueres sagen wenn die Kiste fertig ist (~ Ende der Woche).

    Viele Grüße


    @ KM0201

    He mixed up standby with WOL and standby like windows does (energy saving - windows comes up again when ping-ing or accessing a smb share).

    Is there an option within Openmediavault to wakeup the system without an WOL packet? Windows can be woken up without any problems by just simply accessing a share.

    @ Plato

    Es gibt einen Unterschied zwischen WOL + Windows Standby. Wenn in Windows der Standby-Modus aktiviert ist kann es problemlos mit einfachem Netzwerkzugriff aufgeweckt werden, wenn die Netzwerkkarte im Standy aktiv ist. Wake on Lan erfordert jedoch ein Magic Packet, das System wacht also nicht bei jedem Zugriff auf die IP auf sondern nur, wenn ein Netzwerkpaket mit einem bestimmten Muster gesendet wird. Soweit ich mich erinnere heisst der Status für Wake on Lan S5 (Soft-Off) und für Standby in Windows ohne Magic Packet S3 (Suspend to RAM) bzw S4 (Suspend to Disk).

    Leider weiss ich nicht welche Optionen Openmediavault zusätzlich zu Wake On LAN anbietet.