Beiträge von rocket_ronny

    Thanks for the quick reply ryecoaaron.

    Unfortunately that is exactly what I thought i.e. Up was Start but this is not the case Up reloads the container as if it was new.

    Restart in Compose/Container on the other hand does exactly what it says on the tin it Restarts the selected stopped container.

    It is a bit difficult to put into words what is happening.

    I usually stop and start my containers like aMule and Tixatii using the Stop and Start facility of Portainer.

    I can only see a Stop in Compose/Files but not a Start

    I have found a Restart in Compose/Containers and that does start the selected container.

    Wouldn't it be a bit Logical to either put Stop in Compose/Containers or put Restart in Compose/Files

    That sounds about right except that when I created the first Linear Raid I did not have to do a wipefs this is only happening when I create a second Linear Raid.

    Again before creating the first and the second Raid I have wiped all disks.

    I think their might be a bug in the GUI for Linear Raid.

    I want to create 2 x Linear Raid. The first 1 was created with no problems, /dev/md0 was created and I formatted the created Raid with EXT4 all went well.

    When it came to creating the 2nd Linear Raid i.e. /dev/md1 it appeared to go OK and created the Raid but when I went to format the Raid the GUI wouldn't allow me I couldn't select a drive to format. I looked a bit further and clicked on the Mount rather than Create and lo and behold the Raid was there. It appears that when the Raid was created it made it look as if there was already a EXT4 file system on the Raid.

    I had to go into ssh and do a wipefs -a /dev/md1 then return to the GUI and then I was able to format the Raid correctly.

    Is this a bug or is this normal practise.

    I have followed your guide to install aMule on OMV and I must cogratulate you, It works perfectly. There are however a few things missing that I believe would be of help to other users of aMule in OMV.

    Within the folder /home/aMule/.aMule you will find a file called shareddir.dat, this can be used to add shared folders to aMule.

    Example of shareddir.dat file as follows:-


    My own shareddir.dat is as follows:-


    I would also like to see a plugin made of this aMule installation as if you need to stop aMule for some reason it is rather convoluted. A much better way of stopping or starting aMule would be to have a start and a stop button within the Web Management page of OMV

    Apart from the above I'd like to say well done.


    I would like to request a plugin,

    Is it at all possible to have emule or amule as a plugin on OMV

    I own a Zyxel NSA-310 & a NSA-320 of which both have a version (old) of emule within their capabilities.
