There are some pretty good instructions
Posts by f15h
The overall features and support for Ext4 filesystem makes it the logical choice. Ext4 has many benfits over exFAY and ntfs, journaling alone makes it more robust. If you have another linux system for recovery anyway, I dont really see why you need to investigate M$ filesystems.
I am a huge fan of this plugin. All of the omv installs I have done have been to SSD, DOM, uSD or SD( the latter two obviously benefiting the most). From various incarnations of; pis, thin clients and odroids (not least my newly acquired odroid xu4). Low power consuming, quiet devices.
The plugin is using fs2ram and presumably other tools that I have failed to notice. Im wondering if there might be an option to implement zram? I have been reasonably impressed with it on my netbook. It seems like a logical addition for low memory, flash memory devices.
Not tried the firewall in OMV, but I'm sure I read you can just filter addresses with iptables.
iptables -A OUTPUT -p tcp -d -j DROP
Actually I have started with a minimal debian install on a raspberry pi forwarding ipv4 traffic from an AP USB WLAN to have a guest wifi network. I will try with iptables and see how it goes. pi's are neat little things but a pi1b really isn't suited to squid3(even with cache-dir disabled)
I use vortexbox
2.4 is x64 only
2.3 is x86
It would be super neat if omv included a similar facility in the future. -wishlist-