Beiträge von MatQ_07

    Hi thanks for your answer.
    I think there's a dedicated IP included
    is there a way to test a lack of port forwarding through shell interface so that I can eliminate this option before ?
    I rebooted the OMV server and since it worked but the listening port of transmission was blocked and after a few time downloading @ low speed, I get back to a blocked client...
    Anyway, I asked team for port forwarding
    Any other clues ?
    Thanks again

    Hi everybody !
    I installed and configured an openVPN client (to Trust.Zone) on my OMV NAS on which I'm regularly using transmission as torrent client through remote transmission GUI on my desktop. Transmission was really well performing its dutty untill I received last week a letter from French government saying that Someone was using my IP address to upload various protected stuff ... Hence, I decided to change my IP address to a controllfreakless country through a VPN.

    Once it has been configured (I didn't use the web interface as I discovered a wonderfull tutorial here :…envpn-openmediavault.html ) The following command :

    wget -O - -o /dev/null | cut -d: -f 2 | cut -d\< -f 1

    gave me a foreign IP address as expected.

    Unfortunately, I wasn't able to check that my torrent traffic was effectively passing through the VPN as it seems that I have a port direction problem (51413, which was used efficiently before seems now to be closed when tested in Transmission remote GUI)

    Should-I redirect or open a port in any firewall ? I never configured a firewall on my OMV server (By writing it, I assume it's a completely bad idea ...) should I install a firewall on it or configure the firewall inside the box of my ISP ?

    Thanks in advance for your helpfull help ;)

    Here might be the solution you're looking for (well, at least it worked for me ...)
    My problem was due to aa apache service running in parallel of nginx and listening port 80 instead of nginx. The message "It works ! ..." was a default message from apache.

    I ran the following commands to stop apache and avoid its restart :

    service apache2 stop
     update-rc.d -f apache2 remove
     service nginx restart

    Then you got to purge the cache as I faced a non refresh of the page I was looking for on port 80 in my browser.

    Thanks a lot tekkb and tiste for your help !

    My mistake !
    You're right !

    root@OpenMediaVault:~# service apache2 status
    Apache2 is NOT running.

    I didn't try to access it from an other device. But just accessed from my phone after reconfiguring webgui on prot 80 thanks to omv-firstaid. I purged the cache of my browser and it's now functionning. I'm ashamed of this mistake of mine :cursing: .

    Thanks a lot guys for the solution, I'll pass the post on solved after writing a shor summary for the next readers. Have you got an idea of how it occured ?
    Thanks again !

    I followed your instructions tekkb,

    root@OpenMediaVault:~# service apache2 stop
    Stopping web server: apache2 ... waiting .
    root@OpenMediaVault:~# update-rc.d -f apache2 remove
    update-rc.d: using dependency based boot sequencing
    root@OpenMediaVault:~# service nginx restart
    Restarting nginx: nginx.

    Then I typed :

    root@OpenMediaVault:~# omv-firstaid
    Updating web administration settings. Please wait ...

    To change the default web interface to 80 but still faced the same page ("It works ! ..."). For now I reconfigured webgui access on port 81 but am still looking for a solution if you have other ideas / suggestions.

    Many thanks to both of you for your help.

    I prefer to post the content of my before doing anythig as it is all starting by # (comment ?)

    As far as I understood I was investigating thanks to older posts edited when apache2 was used as web server instead of nginx. I think the message I got is the one from apache2 replying on port 80 instead of nginx. Can-I remove apache2 (I also use OwnCloud) ?
    Oh and by the way, I didn't activate ipv6 at any time, how the hell can it be possible that it gets mentionned in this result ?
    Thanks for your time.


    My problem is half solved. I digged in several treads related to various issues with webgui and tryed to change port 80 to 81 in omv-firstaid webGUI config. And it worked 8| , I don't know how, I don't know why ... I'll wait for feedback, of yours if anybody have an idea of why ?

    Thanks for your help

    Thanks tekkbb for your reactivity, I tryed both of these commands the second returned :

    root@OpenMediaVault:~# service nginx start
    Starting nginx: nginx: [emerg] bind() to [::]:80 failed (98: Address already in use)
    nginx: [emerg] bind() to [::]:80 failed (98: Address already in use)
    nginx: [emerg] bind() to [::]:80 failed (98: Address already in use)
    nginx: [emerg] bind() to [::]:80 failed (98: Address already in use)
    nginx: [emerg] bind() to [::]:80 failed (98: Address already in use)
    nginx: [emerg] still could not bind()

    Unfortunately I still have the same issue to connect trough web-GUI

    Dear all,

    Further to the copy of a 500 GB backup through usb 3.0 external drive, I noticed a huge sollicitation of my processor (as far as I remember, there were 70 to 80% of my processor used by a "user process"). Then I decided to reboot my server thanks to the top right menu in the web-gui interface.
    After it, I could'nt reconnect to web GUI despite my Transmission GUI was working and ssh acces too.
    When I try to connect to [OMV.server.IP]:80 I have the following page :


    It works!
    This is the default web page for this server.
    The web server software is running but no content has been added, yet.

    When I try to connect to [OMV.server.IP]:443 I have a page saying that the connexion failed

    I connected to a root console and send the following command :

    # omv-firstaid

    and reseted the https only acces I created to acces my server but nothing was working.

    No improvement

    I noticed that there were only "000-default" file in /etc/apache2/sites-enabeled but no openmediavault-wegui, neither in "sites-available" folder

    I uninstalled apache2

    # apt-get remove --purge apache2*

    and reinstalled it

    # apt-get install apache2

    But I still face the same problem and can't find a solution.
    If someone could help me, I would be glad !

    Thanks in advance.