Beiträge von PiUser

    I only installled a few plugins but that was far before the last update.

    Check that OMV is proper installed with dpkg -l | grep openm

    pi@omv:~ $ dpkg -l | grep openm
    iF  openmediavault                       6.3.10-2                         all          openmediavault - The open network attached storage solution
    ii  openmediavault-cputemp               6.1.3                            all          cpu temperature plugin for openmediavault
    ii  openmediavault-diskstats             6.0.3-1                          all          openmediavault disk monitoring plugin
    ii  openmediavault-filebrowser           6.0.4-1                          all          openmediavault File Browser plugin
    ii  openmediavault-flashmemory           6.2                              all          folder2ram plugin for openmediavault
    ii  openmediavault-keyring               1.0                              all          GnuPG archive keys of the OpenMediaVault archive
    ii  openmediavault-omvextrasorg          6.1.1                            all Package Repositories for OpenMediaVault
    pi@omv:~ $

    I think the first "iF" is because the 6.3.10-2 update is not properly configured.

    Will try the script later.

    Anyway thanks a lot for your help!

    No, I changed nothing, the last update worked.


    What is the output of:

    dpkg -l | grep python

    When I just enter "python3" in the ssh console the same error occurs, so I assume it has something to do with the Python configuration, but this is just a guess.

    it is more or less the same error:


    I just tried to update my OMV and got folling error message in the Web GUI:

    The same error occurs when I tried to run apt update via ssh.

    Any thoughts?


    Many thanks for your work!
    But after executing your update script I get the following after apt-get upgrade:

    I have installed the cups-plugin.

    I want to install OMV3 on a RPi 1. Although I knew it is not optimal/recommended, I have one laying around and want t use it ...
    In the readme.txt of the Raspberry Pi Images section there is the sentence:


    - works on Raspberry Pi 2 and Raspberry Pi 3 (need to update php5-pam manually to work on RPi1)

    So it seems to work in general, but I don't know how to update manually. Can anybody point me to a guide for that?


    I have many of the following error messages in the syslog:


    Oct 1 15:00:07 omv rrdcached[2394]: queue_thread_main: rrd_update_r (/var/lib/rrdcached/db/localhost/df-media-fa36508a-b3c4-4499-b30a-711dd5994225/df_complex-used.rrd) failed with status -1. (/var/lib/rrdcached/db/localhost/df-media-fa36508a-b3c4-4499-b30a-711dd5994225/df_complex-used.rrd: illegal attempt to update using time 1443704403 when last update time is 1447575105 (minimum one second step))
    Oct 1 15:00:20 omv monit[2878]: 'rootfs' space usage 89.5% matches resource limit [space usage>80.0%]

    I am not shure wether they belong together.
    My system is a Raspberry Pi with OMV 2.1.15.


    I got the same error also with
    apt-get -f install

    In between there is thefollowing:

    Did the following:

    dpkg -i openmediavault-vdr_1.1_all.deb
    apt-get -f install
    apt-get install vdr
    apt-get -f install
    dpkg -i openmediavault-vdr-extras_1.2_all.deb
    apt-get -f install

    There were a few error messages in between but it seems to work:
    I can start the VDRAdmin-AM web-site and saw the vdr plugins in OMV.
    The only problem I can see for now are the missing EPG information for some channels (but did not try recording, streaming or live).


    I am missing the VDR plugin in the plugins list.
    All check boxes at the plugin page are activiated.
    Using newest omv-extras and omv itself at rapberry pi.

    Has anybody an idea what is wrong?

    Strange, I did an rpi-update and now it seems to work:


    root@omv:~# service nfs-kernel-server start
    Exporting directories for NFS kernel daemon....
    Starting NFS kernel daemon: nfsd mountd.


    root@omv:~# service nfs-kernel-server status
    nfsd running

    Is the nfsd running just until the next reboot or does it start now every time when I start the RPI automatically?

    Thanks for your help!

    Not that I am aware off. I installed some plugins from omv-extras and vdr and a driver from Sundtek and tried to install vnsi to stream to Kodi. Maybe that I did something wrong there.
    I am not really familar with Linux.