Beiträge von ptirup

    Hello everybody,

    First, as it's my first post here, many thanks for the OMV project, lot of great work, and thanks to people posting support : I didn't have to post until now since I found answers to all my questions by searching the forum.

    Then, my 2 cents about the problem described here :
    I'm using the flashmemory plugin with success for about a month now (my OMV root FS is on SD card).
    For testing purposes I installed ZoneMinder on my NAS box. For now I have kept the default folders for Zoneminder in /var/cache/...

    So what happened is that a few days ago i forgot to disable the recording of the camera plugged on the NAS ant it probably filled the tmpfs.

    Then when I restarted the NAS, I had the same issue as described here : same error, no way to connect to the webGUI anymore.
    Creating the /Var/cache/openmediavault folder and chown openmediavault:openmediavault solved the problem.
    Obviously fs2ram and disk full are not 2 things to mix.
    Don't know if there is a easy way to prevent such things to happen, in my personal case of course, I will adjust the ZoneMinder conf to store pics on a true disk.

    Hope it helps to spot the problem.
