Beiträge von bitzaa86

    Hi friends,

    I have installed OMV on my HP thin client and everything is going perfect. In order to stream video in my network for my LG tv i use Plex. For my android phone i use Es-explorer + Bsplayer (i am not sure if is the best choice). How can i stream video remote from someone which have Windows 7 installed? Something like XBMC. Please give me some ideas.

    Thank you very much for your help. I hope i will not have any problems further.
    I have just have only one question. Could i obtain by ssh a list of current settings? I mean how the storage is configured, what filesystem i use currently...

    Commands? Put cd or usb stick with iso image in computer and install. How did you install OMV 3?

    In order to install OMV 3 i have used the following commands:
    1)installed apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade && omv-update

    Is there any possibility to revert this installation in order to get back to my old version without a clean installation? I just don't want to reinstall all the applications and setups...

    Anyhow i have observed that ftp is still working . I just cannot go to web interface...

    Hello guys,

    I've tried to upgrade my version of STONE BURNER using the following :

    apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade && omv-update

    Afterwise restart and bump . Error : 502 Bad Gateway / nginx

    How can i solve my problem? I have tried everything from here >If omv-update gives an error ...< but without success.
    Also i have attached a file where you can find some errors.

    I need help, please.


    I'd like to know if any plugin exist which can i use to auto/manual sync pictures, videos, music, documents from my android phone to the omv nas.I want a free application which will use my free space from the local disks.
    I've tried to install owncloud but i receive an error (certificate) and i cannot enable the plugin.

    Thank you,

    Hi again,

    I've managed to enable the Transmission plugin after i have changed the file system of hdd from ntfs to ext4 and reconfigure the shares. I think that was the problem.
    But know i have another issue. When i add a torrent in transmission web interface i receive an error "Error: Permission denied" ... what am i doing wrong now?


    When i want to activate transmission-bt plugin i receive the following error:

    Error #4000:
    exception 'OMVException' with message 'Failed to execute command 'export LANG=C; omv-mkconf transmissionbt 2>&1': /usr/share/openmediavault/mkconf/transmissionbt: 55: local: Information/Torente/: bad variable name' in /usr/share/openmediavault/engined/module/
    Stack trace:
    #0 /usr/share/openmediavault/engined/rpc/ OMVModuleTransmissionBt->applyConfig()
    #1 [internal function]: OMVRpcServiceConfig->applyChanges(Array, Array)
    #2 /usr/share/php/openmediavault/ call_user_func_array(Array, Array)
    #3 /usr/share/php/openmediavault/ OMVRpcServiceAbstract->callMethod('applyChanges', Array, Array)
    #4 /usr/share/openmediavault/engined/rpc/ OMVRpcServiceAbstract->callMethodBg('applyChanges', Array, Array)
    #5 [internal function]: OMVRpcServiceConfig->applyChangesBg(Array, Array)
    #6 /usr/share/php/openmediavault/ call_user_func_array(Array, Array)
    #7 /usr/share/php/openmediavault/ OMVRpcServiceAbstract->callMethod('applyChangesBg', Array, Array)
    #8 /usr/sbin/omv-engined(500): OMVRpc::exec('Config', 'applyChangesBg', Array, Array, 1)
    #9 {main}

    Could someone please help me ?