Beiträge von totoroxeur

    Thanks for your fast reply.
    So in fact the sources are only for packages building.

    For what I understand now, the .iso image was created from a minimal Debian server install in which you added all the .deb packages, wasn't it ?

    Also, I may recommend you to put a small README in the sources root directory as the build may not be trivial for those who aren't familiar with fakeroot and Debian packages (at least that wasn't trivial for me).

    Hello OpenMediaVault community,

    Recently, I was wondering about building OpenMediaVault by myself. I have no special reasons to do so, I'm just curious about it.

    I used

    cd ~
    svn co openmediavault

    to get the sources. However, I'm stuck. I have no clue how to build it. The file openmediavault/trunk/deb/ caught my attention but I don't know want to do with it. Doing something like

    make -f

    gave me this error :

    tx --root="~/openmediavault/trunk/deb/../" pull --all \
    /bin/sh: tx: not found

    I don't know what the tx command is supposed to be.

    I didn't found any README or anything else that could come in help. That's why I rely on you.

    Also I am running on a Ubuntu 10.04 i386. As long as Ubuntu is based on Debian, I don't think this is an issue.

    I think that I am missing something obvious so if you can indicate me what I'm doing wrong then you are welcome :D .

    EDIT: also, sorry if I am posting in the wrong section but "My NAS Build" seemed for me to be the most relevant one.