Beiträge von wombat

    Yes, it is.

    Finally, it seems that /run/systemd/resolve/resolv.conf via symlinks works fine, so at the moment it works correctly. I will follow the next update.

    OMV 5.2.x(6)

    I found out, that:

    1) If I set /etc/resolv.conf everything works fine until next OMV update (eg now 5.2.4 > 5.2.6)
    2) After the update, the /etc/resolv.conf file is deleted and must be manually set/created again.
    3) DNS servers settings in OMV GUI (Network> Interfaces ...) are ignored.

    openmediavault systemd-networkd[18665]: /etc/systemd/network/ Unknown lvalue 'UseDNS' in section 'Network', ignoring

    I have a similar issue:

    Complete 1 Gbit LAN - NAS, Clients .. Direct to Router (MK4011)

    SSD connected via USB3.0 (EXT4)

    SSD disk (benchmark 3500/3300 MB/s) - while copy CPU load 0-1%

    When copying big (in most cases multiple files) the speed is constant around 117 MB/s for some time, after a short time it starts to fall down a lot down until it stops. When looking at NAS load, the CPU load climbs to 100%. After eg. 1 minute, copying resumes at full speed.

    I didn't see this on OMV4.

    After installing OMV the 'System information' panel in the dashboard, and from the tree menu is empty.

    Release: 5.2.1-1
    Codename: Usul
    Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/79.0.3945.88 Safari/537.36

    1) Classic View in Chrome:

    - Completely deleted site data (cookies, ...) - same issue

    1a) Console output:

    Uncaught TypeError: OMV.util.Format.binaryUnitRenderer is not a function at Plugin.js:140 Packages.js:120 Uncaught TypeError: OMV.util.Format.binaryUnitRenderer is not a function at Packages.js:120

    2) Incognito mode:

    2b) Console output - empty.

    Will not you switch to a newer Python package? 3.5+. Clear, I understand that this is a cosmetic problem and can be manually repaired. But I do not understand why 2 years ago this has not moved anywhere and this "problem" is visible at every update/upgrade.


    Why is in Dashboard still memory usage on 0%?

    root@NAS:~# top
    top - 20:09:03 up 56 min,  1 user,  load average: 0,04, 1,20, 1,07
    Tasks: 135 total,   1 running, 134 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
    %Cpu(s):  0,3 us,  0,3 sy,  0,0 ni, 99,2 id,  0,2 wa,  0,0 hi,  0,0 si,  0,0 st
    KiB Mem :  8066564 total,  2689656 free,   154992 used,  5221916 buff/cache
    KiB Swap:  3963900 total,  3963900 free,        0 used.  7637824 avail Mem

    After reboot:

    and journalctl -u collectd