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    cat /proc/mounts

    cat /etc/fstab

    id sickbeard
    uid=113(sickbeard) gid=100(users) groups=100(users),1000(Home)

    I have tried to fix this problem for a while now and I do not understand why this cant be done. SickRage cannot copy files to a share (log error further down).

    For a short while I thought it worked but now the problem is back. I have restarted OMV at least once.
    Could it be related to this error I get when I try to add a folder to my zfs pool?

    Could it be that the error with fstab is caused by some permission problem? And that makes all my changes only work for this session and be reverted after a restart?

    How can I fix this so all members in the Users group (that Sickrage should be a part of) can read and write in all shares? I can use these folders from all other computers on my network, even from my Android box running Kodi (adding Subtitles). That makes me think this must be a OMV problem.

    Both these shares are added with "Remote Share" plugin. One is placed on a Buffalo Nas and the other is on a Windows 10 machine. I can read and write

    2015-12-13 09:03:35 POSTPROCESSER::Unable to copy file /media/a6eceb29-64d8-48b4-8703-1f79c9c59f08/nyheter/tv/Scorpion.S02E11.HDTV.x264-LOL/scoprion.211.hdtv-lol.mp4 to /media/a6eceb29-64d8-48b4-8703-1f79c9c59f08/data/tools/mnt/share/share/TV3/Scorpion/Season 02/Scorpion - S02E11 - The Old College Try.mp4: error 13 : Permission denied
    2015-12-13 09:03:34 POSTPROCESSER::Unable to copy file /media/a6eceb29-64d8-48b4-8703-1f79c9c59f08/nyheter/tv/NCIS.Los.Angeles.S07E10.HDTV.x264-LOL/ncis.los.angeles.710.hdtv-lol.mp4 to /media/a6eceb29-64d8-48b4-8703-1f79c9c59f08/data/tools/mnt/FilmTV/TV/NCIS Los Angeles/Season 07/NCIS Los Angeles - S07E10 - Internal Affairs.mp4: error 13 : Permission denied

    Just a follow up question. As I mentioned in the first post here, there was old remove things still in that file. How should I clean the system from things like this?
    I know I could edit the file, but I guess that these pieces can be found in various places.

    I have installed the ZFS plugin and I added a pool with mostly default settings. I selected name, Mirror and two drives. I left the rest of the settings as is.
    Then I tried to add a Filesystem and when I tried to apply the change I got a "exception 'OMVException' with message 'Failed to mount 'media':
    mount: can't find /mnt in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab' in /usr/share/openmediavault/engined/module/" exception.

    What have I missed?

    I saw a similar question and the one asking the question was asked to enter two commands:
    omv-showkey mntent and omv-showkey sharedfolder
    So I add those here if that applies to my question as well.

    The odd thing here is that "Kvothe" is a old item from one of my first tries and now deleted...

    And as the post got too long, I posted the other file on Pastebin: (removed)


    The problem is not selecting the path as much as the readability. The long guid makes them harder to tell apart.

    And, actually, the real problem is not Emby as much as Sickrage where there are non scrollable fields for the paths (in a box were you add all folders with series in them and in my box I have four paths that looks exactly the same.)
    And if there are no tooltips either, I need to select edit to really see if I selected the correct path.

    When I add shared folders in apps like Emby I browse through /media/[long guid]/shared folder.
    Is there a way to use shorter paths (mainly without the guid) that makes them more readable without loosing the privileges?

    I probably need to be more specific.

    I have added a couple of shares that is located on a Window machine. I have added them in OMV with Remote Shares.
    But even if I add shared folders open for everyone, I get permission denied.

    I have added folders on one of my file systems, added Shared folders and created shares in the plugin Remote Shares.
    I have tried adding without user name and with user names in various formats without success.

    So what have I missed? I have given extplorer read/write privileges for these folders and tried to create dummy files, but I only get access denied.
    So it is not just SickRage that have problems with.
    I have no problem using these folders when I open them directly from other computers in the workgroup...

    I have set up my first NAS with a lot of trial and error...

    But it is getting there. The problem I have now is that Couchpotato can take a file from my remote share and place it in another remote share (both on windows still, it will take a while before all is on the nas). But the file is only copied.

    The problem is worse on Sickrage, here I get permission denied when trying to read the remote share. Even though the path is the same as for CP.
    Do these two applications do the move task differently, and thats the reason for the different behavior?
    Or is the answer in the fact that I could set read and write for the CP user but not for SB?

    I have tried to reset the priviliges for the shared folders pointing to this path, but I get permission denied when I do that too. I can reset the privileges for other remote shares from that same server, so I may have to clean up more thourough...

    What can I do to clean this mess up and make sure both plugins can do what they are supposed to?

    Thanks. I may end up with that.

    I actually solved CouchPotato, I could copy the settings with winSCP to the correct path, set the privileges and then enable the tool and it works.
    And SickRage had a built in tool for backup and restore . I did actually use that when I took the backup (duh). Thanks for reminding me.
    Thanks for reminding me of that.
    So now I only have to figure out hot to import everything into SABnzbd too. - It is very useful to be able to search for old things there...
    Or I can set it up as a new one and search for old stuff in the other instance. We'll see how it ends.

    Hi, I have recently built me a NAS and installed OMV on it.
    Now I am trying to learn how to best set up everything and I am slowly learning.

    I have installed Sabnzbd, CouchPotato and Sickrage on it (I had to start with Sickbeard and change it to SickRage for some reason).

    Now to my current problem. I would like to reuse my settings and history from the Windows installation of these three tools.
    I started with a backup of Sickrage and moved it to a share where I could point the Restore task to.
    But no backups were found, probably because the windows backup created a zip-file while a .gz was expected.
    I tried to do a quick and dirty fix by creating a backup and replace the content with the things from the zip-file. That failed. Probably becuase of wrong privilages...

    Can this be done or should I just recreate everything again? Would be nice to keep all Sabnzbd history though.
    The different problems have been:
    SickRage: Backup not found, tried with a zip-file and unpacked backup, no go.
    SABnzbd: "Communication Failure" or "Bad Gateway"
    CouchPotato: Here I cannot add the path to my backup.