Beiträge von ion-fan

    I had a look on what omv wrote in the fstab file:

    # >>> [openmediavault]
    UUID=bf3eb10e-4ada-4e68-a184-d5f225809e10 /media/bf3eb10e-4ada-4e68-a184-d5f225809e10 ext4 defaults,nofail,user_xattr,noexec,usrjquota=aquota.user,,jqfmt=vfsv0,acl 0 2
    # <<< [openmediavault]

    when do a mount -a on console i get the same error as in omv. So it seems to be a problem with some of these options. So i investigated further and found out that the options "usrjquota=aquota.user," are responsible for the mount not to work. In the manpage it says "These options are accepted but ignored." so i think they are useless. Why is omv using them? Can i tell omv not to use these options? Are they needed for omv to work?

    GRML is a lightweight live linux...
    I tried now using XFS. It works!
    I can format it and mount it in OMV. But i read a lot about instabilities of XFS on ARM-Platforms, so i don't want to use XFS on my cubietruck...
    So i booted a live ubuntu on my home pc and partitioned the hdd with gparted on ext4.
    But omv doesn't want to mount that too. I'm really annoyed about this ;(
    I think i have to choose a non-NAS Version of my Cubie.
    If you don't have any ideas for fixing this then i will look for an alternative.

    I deleted the hdd and created a new partition on it on the webgui. That works.
    But when i try to mount it in the gui it throws out the same error as in the beginning...

    Do i really have to take it to an x86 platform? Which live linux do you recommend to do that? GRML?

    ok i tried what subzero79 proposed, but it didn't changed the value to signed. I will save my files and do a wipe. Would be good to do the formatting then with omv right?
    Wierd that omv has this problem with my partition... but thanks for the help :)
    If you want i can report if it works with a wipe (which i expect it should)

    OK the following output of the command:

    Can you see anything not normal?

    Mount from commandline works. I can see all my files in that folder. Here is the output:

    Sorry that also didn't work:

    After that and also after the fsck-check the mount didn't work through openmediavault.
    Is there maybe a log were more precise infomation is given what fails?

    thanks for the reply. I've followed your instructions but all three possibilities failed. i tried umount /dev/sda1 but it says that sda1 is not mounted so i tried the supplied command. See following code:

    Hello i've set up the new stoneburner release of OMV on my cubietruck. Now i want to mount my existing ext4 partition. When i do this via console it works flawlessly but in omv i get the following error:

    I cannot see anything in the logfiles. I tried tail -f on all known logfiles but never see anything regarding this error.
    Why is it not possible to mount this volume?