Beiträge von solar10

    Current status: I reinstalled OMV2 then did the all updates thru the web interface (except that PAM issue - which was the reason I tried OMV3)
    I am not interested in an RPI3 but an Odroid. At first I wanted a C2 but I read that XU4 is better supported, right ?

    But... Can you then install Stone Burner on Jessie or should I downgrade to Wheezy ?
    I still have issue with php5-... is not going to be installed

    After an update, I have successfully broken my setup. X(

    For a try, I wanted to re-install from scratch but starting with a clean and updated install of Raspbian, not an image downloaded from OpenMediaVault (which would need updates anyway)
    Then I followed this idea:…=1.0/Installation_Apt-Get
    The only diff being that it is not Wheezy but Jessie that currently runs on my RPI 1B.
    I did not add the wheezy line to sources.list of course... :whistling:

    Now, I hit unmet dependencies issue with php5-pfm stuff. Thus I went for this solution: php5-fpm failed and omv-release-upgrade does not upgrade OMV

    But it doesn't work. I'm looping between dpkg -i and apt-get -f install that keeps removing php5 stuff needed for OMV to install but "is not going to be installed"...

    I understand the RPI 1B is old and at the moment, I don't have a budget to buy an Odroid C2 (or any other-like you'd suggest me in the same price range).
    So, in the meantime, I'm openned to your input to reinstall this properly.
    I have a 3TB USB drive attached to it. I only need basic features such as FTP, Samba and DLNA. It serves an LG SmartTV and as file (video) server for the kids using VLC on their laptop.

    Many Linux flavours, many different ways...

    So here is the conclusion.
    I attached one disk to my laptop, started GParted and this was even easier than expected. There is an option to change UUID (menu /partition/new UUID).
    I now have both Canvio mounted and shared on OMV/RaspPI.
    See you in other thread for the next issue ;)
    Thanx for help.

    Since my diskspace is half used, I could shrink the partition, create a new one with a different UUID, move my data to the new partition then kill the old partition having the duplicate UUID.
    Gparted and like can handle this.

    It is strange that OMV has such behavior. Before, both disks were plugged in my Thinkpad running LinuxMint 17 and it didn't make a problem. I could move files from one to the other.

    I guess that's an issue:

    root@raspberrypi:~# blkid
    /dev/mmcblk0p1: SEC_TYPE="msdos" LABEL="boot" UUID="7D5C-A285" TYPE="vfat" 
    /dev/mmcblk0p2: UUID="5d18be51-3217-4679-9c72-a54e0fc53d6b" TYPE="ext4" LABEL="omv" 
    /dev/mmcblk0p3: LABEL="data" UUID="fa36508a-b3c4-4499-b30a-711dd5994225" TYPE="ext4" 
    /dev/sdb1: LABEL="TOSH2" UUID="843671A53671993E" TYPE="ntfs" 
    /dev/sda1: LABEL="TOSH1" UUID="843671A53671993E" TYPE="ntfs" 

    They both have the same UUID...

    Here the s.m.a.r.t. outpout.
    You can see they have different serial numbers

    I have OMV 2.0 running on Raspberry PI 2.
    I attached 2 identical USB disks (Toshiba Canvio 1TB).…nvio-basics/hdtb310ek3aa/
    Before mounting, I can see both identified by their name I set when connected to Windows laptop (TOSH1 & TOSH2).
    I can see their serial numbers from s.m.a.r.t. info tab.
    From SSH session, an lsusb shows both of them too.
    But as soon as I mount one disk (no matter which) it results in both mounted and it displays the same disk usage for both (but their content are different).
    Could it be linked to this bug?:
    I do not use RAID. Disk are FAT32.
    Is there a way to get around this by editing fstab ?