I am also attaching etc / fstab (server side) is that right? or do I have to add something?
I do not see an NFS share in the fstab? Did you delete it?
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I am also attaching etc / fstab (server side) is that right? or do I have to add something?
I do not see an NFS share in the fstab? Did you delete it?
Please do not post text in screenshots, use the code box (button </>) it is much easier to read.
lato client dovrei aggiungere questo o lato server ??
Can we stick to english please?
You should do this on the client side in the cli. This will simulate what autofs is doing behinde the scenes.
You could removethe ACLs with setfacl -b -R, but this will only work for existing files. You need to find out, why the mac is setting this ACL, but unfortunately I can not help with Macs.
you exposed the upsmon passwords. Probably not a big deal as it is in your local network, but ...
did you recreate the stack or just stopped and restarted? The later doesn't change the containers configuration.
I can not help woth your problem rigth now, but for an upgrade from 4 to 5 you better use these scripts: https://github.com/dleidert/openmediavault-upgrade
Are the things you are missing related to docker containers or OMV itself?
The should not crash.
Have you tried mounting on the cli?
Something is setting group users to --x (group:users:--x) only despite what is shown in ls.
I read, you re-installed it, but ok.
Other thin: nut monitor will only start if the UPS is found.
the thing about mount -a is: I do not know why it works and it is more global than directly operating on the culprit.
But if it works ...
It compains about: omv-mkaptidx: command not found
which means /usr/sbin is not in your path.
What do you expect the container to do?
Portainers starts the container with no terminal attached and and runs bash, which just exits.
You have to give it a command, which does not terminate. eg. while 1 do; sleep 10000; done
You can try to edit config.xml and put the share definitions into the file. Then in OMV UI make a small change, save and apply.
Or you can search the formum for the rpc.php syntax and create a script using that.
This will keep the disks spinning and acessable. Only a workaround.
No other idea, sorry.
What is the output if you run vnstat -m as user www-data?
fix5to6upgrade.sh must be run as root!
Are there any messages in the portainer logs? docker logs portainer
Could be an Out of memory error. How much RAM do you have?
ssh to OMV and run dpkg --audit or post the dpkg errors you had when upgrading.