Hi All, I have a large media collection on OMV with the plexmedia plugin.
all directories under the media library show as 2755 and all files 0644
On OMV the owner shows as plex, users for all files and directories
on my ubuntu clients, i map both nfs and cifs shares.
home, media, etc as NFS with full r/w
samba media as CIFS as ro
I run Kodi on the client and connect via samba for direct play or whatever its called.
I have a strange rights problem i don't understand.
some files play and others don't - kodi logs show a rights problem for the ones that don't
if i use VLC on the client to play the files over cifs or nfs. the ones that don't play give the error of insufficient rights
If right view the rights from the client side (nfs) , it shows the owner as saned (i note the plex userid on omv = saned userid on the client side i.e. 113)
I can't understand why half the files don't seem to recognise the permissions under either samba or nfs
from a windows client the files not player via vlc show the error "bad file descriptor"
p.s. for the avoidance of doubt, the files play from the browser.
thanks for your help