Solutions to common problems

    • Official Post


    Here is a list of problems with potential solutions (these videos may help as well):

    Problem #1: Web interface has missing fields and/or items showing that have been uninstalled and/or something just isn't working right.
    Solution #1: Clear your browser cache or try ctrl-shift-R.

    Problem #2: I mounted the drive using the command line or GUI tool and I can't pick that drive in the shared folder device dropdown.
    Solution #2: Never mount a drive with anything other than the OMV web interface. This creates the necessary database entries to populate the device dropdown.

    Problem #3: I only see a few items in the web interface like the user section of Access Rights Management.
    Solution #3: You did not login as the admin user. This is the only user that can access everything.

    Problem #4: I get an error every time I post in the forum especially if it is a long post and/or has links to external pages.
    Solution #4: The error is deceiving. Please don't keep trying to post. The spam filter has flagged your post and it will need to be approved. Please be patient.

    Problem #5: Samba is slow.
    Solution #5: Read these threads - Tunning Samba for more speed and Tuning Samba for more speed 2. These threads should not be necessary when using the pre-built arm images available on sourceforge since they already have optimized settings.

    Problem #6: You see an error where a domain name/host could not be resolved
    Solution #6: You probably need to set your DNS server in Network -> Interfaces (System -> Network -> Interfaces for OMV5)

    Problem #7: It says "No Network Interfaces" when looking at the console.
    Solution #7: Most of the time, this is caused by the system taking too long to get a DHCP IP address before the message is written. The adapter's address can be checked by logging in with any user (root is a good choice) and typing ip addr

    Problem #8: You changed a config file from the command line and something changed it back.
    Solution #8: By design, OMV rewrites config files when changes are made. You should only make changes from the web interface unless you know that OMV is not managing the file (usually a comment in the config file will tell you this).

    Problem #9: My docker container isn't working and I see an error like standard_init_linux.go:211: exec user process caused "exec format error"
    Solution #9: You need to use an image that is compatible with your systems architecture. Most images on Docker Hub are x86 images. If you using an armhf or arm64 (ie RPi4), you need to look for an armhf or aarch64 image or tag.

    Problem #10: There is a newer version of package foo available somewhere. Why is OMV not using it?
    Solution #10: OMV is Debian and uses the Debian repo for packages. OMV tries not to maintain any packages other than OMV and plugins.

    Problem #11: Packages have been held back when updated (typically the kernel)
    Solution #11: Run: sudo omv-upgrade

    Problem #12: Connection lost error message when installing a plugin
    Solution #12: OMV's engined is restarted when installing a plugin. This does not stop the installation and should be followed by ctrl-shift-R (hard refresh of the page).

    Problem #13: Unable to set permissions or something isn't supported with your filesystem
    Solution #13: Make sure to use a native Linux filesystem.

    omv 7.6.0-1 sandworm | 64 bit | 6.11 proxmox kernel

    plugins :: omvextrasorg 7.0.1 | kvm 7.0.16 | compose 7.3.3 | cputemp 7.0.2 | mergerfs 7.0.5 | scripts 7.0.9 plugins source code and issue tracker - github - changelogs

    Please try ctrl-shift-R and read this before posting a question.

    Please put your OMV system details in your signature.
    Please don't PM for support... Too many PMs!

    Edited 21 times, last by ryecoaaron ().

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